

In this paper, the reconstructions of Archaic Chinese phonology by Professors Bernhard Karlgren, Tung T'ung-ho, Wang Li and Li Fang-kuei are compared and appraised. The present writer suggests a three vowel system: a, ə, e. Each vowel may be followed by -m, -n, -ng, -wng, -p, t, -k, -wk, -r, -ð, -W ð or -ø (zero), and may be preceded by the medials -r-, -rw-, -ri- -riw-, -j-, -jw-, -ji-, -jiw-, -i-, -iw-, e-, -ew-, -w- or -ø- (zero medial). The initials of Archaic Chinese and their equivalents in Ancient Chinese are as follows: *p, *pl→p(幫), *p', *p'l→p'(滂), *b,*bl→(並), *m, *ml→m(明); *t, *tl→t(端),*t', *t'l→t'(透), *d,*dl→d(定), *n→n(泥) (before medials *ø, *w, *e, *ew); *t, *tl→tc (照章), *t', *t'l→t'c (穿昌), *d, *dl→dZ (禪), *st'→c (審書), *zd→z(牀船), *n→ŋ (日) (before meidals *j, *jw, *ji *jiw); *l→l(來) *tr→t(知), *t'r→t' (徹), *dr→d(澄), *nr→n(娘) *ts→ts (精), *ts'→ts'(清), *dz→dz(從), *s, *sn→s(心), *z→z(邪) *tsr→ts(照莊), *ts'r→ts'(穿初), *dzr→dz(牀崇), *sr→s(審山); *r,gr→ø(喻以); *k, *kl→k(見), *k', *k'l→k'(溪), *x,*xm→x(曉), *ng→ng(疑), *.→.(影); *g,*gl→ð(匣) (before medials *ø, *w, *r, *rw, *e, *ew); *g→j (喻云) (before medials *j, *jw, *ji, *I *iw). So far as the tones in Archaic Chinese are concerned, the present writer rejects Wang Li's hypothesis and favours the following hypothesis: there were three phonemic tones in Archaic Chinese, tone class I (the even. tone), tone class II (the rising tone) and tone class III (the going tone), tone class III and tone class IV (the entering tone) being the same in contour or register; tone class IV consisted of words ending in -p, t, -k, while the other tone classes consisted of words ending in -m, -n, -ng, -r, -□ or -ø.



