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Taiwan's Illusion of National Subjugation: An Analysis of Taiwanese People's Media Trust, Risk Perception, Negative Affect, and Behavioral Intention Towards Hong Kong's Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement




The purpose of this study is to examine how media attention and trust has influenced the risk perception, negatively affective attitude, and behavioral intentions of individuals regarding the threat of the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill movement in Hong Kong. In this study, a total of 520 valid questionnaires were obtained utilizing a network questionnaire and snowball sampling. The results show that online media attention is a positive predictor of risk perception and behavioral intention. There was no significant correlation between the attention of TV media, risk perception and behavioral intention. The more trust individuals placed on media, the higher their risk perception and behavioral intention. Finally, a negative affect has a partial mediating effect on risk perception and behavioral intention.


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