  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


An Analysis of Humanistic Buddhist Practices by Venerable Master Hsing Yun from the Perspective of the Tiantai Thought of the "Three Thousand Dharmas Inherently Contained in Each Moment of Thought"




The significance of the Dharma lies in its applicability to daily life. Yi-niansan- qian (the three thousand dharmas inherently contained in each moment of thought) is the ultimate attainment of the Tiantai Master Zhiyi in his later days. The purpose of this paper is not to do a comparative textual analysis, but to interpret Zhiyi's exegesis of the complete teaching on Yi-nian-san-qian, where a movement as simple as lowering the head and raising one's hand is sufficient to become the cause of buddhahood. In saying that one is all, and all is one, the all-inclusive practice of not neglecting any single teaching means that the uplifting or falling of life, heaven or hell are all attained in one single thought. From this point of view, Humanistic Buddhism, as advocated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun throughout his entire life, aims to bring the Dharma into one's daily life. Also to ensure that one's daily life is filled with the Dharma. This paper aims to see how the non-dualistic teaching of the Tiantai complete teaching, is demonstrated. That is, it is carefree, transcending, and open, so as to offer a view of the Buddha path where people can relate to and accomplish.
