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Synecological studies on the natural forest of Taiwan (I) The forest vegetation of NTU Experimental Forest at Chi-tou



I.本研究在國立臺灣大學實驗林溪頭營林區完成,該區為大學林所屬七個營林區之一,位於本省中部之南投縣鹿谷鄉,地當東經120°45'20"至120°48'10"與北韓23°41'30"至23°39'20"之交,面積共有2,562公頃,劃分1至6等六個林班,以便經營。II.溪頭營林區之高度自500至2,025公尺不等,鳳凰山脈為本區之東界,方位自南向北延伸,其1,669公尺之山峰,即為著名之鳳凰山。區內有源自嶺頭山及其支脈之小溪,亦自南向北,蜿蜓橫貫。鳳凰山因其山勢使峻,峰巒崎嶇,特別為植物生態與分類研究目的,尚保有相當面積之天然林。為增加森林之經濟價值,其餘地區之大部分平坦 山坡之天然林,均已斫伐而改造為高價值之人工林,如針葉樹林及竹林等。III.本區林地之基層,主由起源於第三紀之黏板岩、板岩及砂岩等岩石構成,在溪流兩傍間,亦有小面積之第四紀洪積世岩層出現者。又本區之土壤,主由黃色灰化土與砂礫構成,並混和相當深之腐植土。IV.溪頭之氣象記錄,顯示其氣候一般屬於暖溫帶。全年平均溫度在溪頭為16.4°C,在有水坑為20.7°C。本區之雨量頗為豐富,全年降雨量在溪頭為2,896.1mm,在有水抗為2,897.9mm。又本區有較高之相對濕度與較低之蒸發量,即全年之平均相對濕度在溪頭為90.5%,在有水坑為78.0%。全年之總蒸發量在溪頭為48.42mm,在有水坑為47.52mm(詳見第8頁表2)。V.溪頭之森林植羣,經測量與觀察,其原生林可區分為三種顯明之羣叢,如下:1.臺灣杜鵑-玉山箭竹羣叢2.錐果櫟-長尾柯羣叢3.大葉校櫟-臺灣雅楠羣叢VI.本區植物之垂直分佈,亦曾予以論及,自生與歸化種之種、屬及科,其數量均曾統計,生活型以及其數量與百分比,均一一予以算出。VII.溪頭之管束植物均已擧名,總計1,013種,分隸於566屬與156科。關於科之排列,係根據Copeland (1947,蕨類),Pilger (1926,被子描物〉及Hutchinson (1934,被子植物)等三系統。




I. This investigation was carried out at the Chi-ton Tract, Experimental Forest, N. T. U. The tract being one of the seven tracts of the University Forest is located in Nan-ton County in the central part of Taiwan. It lies between Lat. 23°39'20"and 23°41'30N and Long. 120°45'20''and 120°48'10"E. The total area of the tract is 2,562 hecters. It has been divided into six compartments, namely Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. II. The elevation at this tract varies from 500 to 2,025 meters. The Phoenix range runs along the eastern boundary of this tract, directing from south to north. The peak elevating 1,669m is the top of the so-called Mt, Phoenix, which is covered with dense virgin forest and is very lovely in scene. There is a stream lying in the valley. The stream rises from Mt. Lingtou and its branches. Because of its very steep and rugged topography, especially for the purposes of ecological and taxonomical studies, there is still a considerable area of primary forest preserved on Mt. Phoenix. For reforestation to enhance the commercial value of the woods, most of the primary forests on the mild slopes at this tract were cut and converted into plantations of high value stands, such as the needle-leaved forests and bamboos. III. Most of the forest lands at this tract have a basic rock of Tertiary origin. The rock consists mainly of clay-slate, slate and sandstone. A small area of the Pleistocene rock of the Quaternary sometimes also appears along the banks of the stream. The lands are mainly composed of yellow polzolic soil and gravels mixed with humus in a considerable depth. IV. The meterological data recorded at Chi-ton and Yiu-shui-Keng from 1964 to 1974 have been shown in Table 2 (Page 8 ). The climate is generally warm-temperate. The annual average temperature is 16.4°C at Chi-tou and 20.7°C at Yiu-shui-Keng. The rainfall is abundant. The annual average precipitation at Chi-ton is 2,887.9mm and 2,764.3mm at Yiu -shui-keng. There often shows a rather high relative humidity and a low evaporation alternatively throughout the year. The average relative humidity is 90.5% at Chi-tou and 85.2% at Yiu-shui-Keng, while the annual total evaporation is 616.2mm at Chi-tou and 921.1mm at Yiu-shui-Keng, V. The forest vcgetion was studied both by surveying and by observation. Three distinctive associations are found in the primary forest, while the secondary forest consists only of two major associations. The associations of the primary and secondary forests are as follows: 1. The associations of the primary forest a. Rhododendron formosanum-Yushania niitakayamensis Association b. Cyclobalanopsis longinux-Castanopsis carlesii Association c. Pasania kauiakamii-Phoebe formosana Association 2. The associations of the secondary forest a. Mallotus japonicus-Mallotus paniculatus Association b. Ficus neruosa-Trema orientalis Association VI. The vertical distribution of plants native to this tract ha s been generally taken into consideration. The number of plants both indigenous and naturalized, and that of cultivated ones have been calculated according to species, genera and families. The life-forms of plants indigenous to this tract were especially discussed. Their numbers and percentages also have been counted. VII. A total number of 1,013 species of vascular plants belonging to 566 genera and 156 families was listed. The arrangement of families is based on the systems of Copeland, C. B. (1947, Pteridophyta), Pilger, R. (1926. Gymnospermae) and Hutchinson, J. (1934, Angiospermae).


