  • 期刊


The Ethnic Development and Research Status of the Sakizaya




After the Sakizaya accomplished the ethnic reclassification movement, they actively develop their culture. In language preservation, the Sakizaya carry out "Master-Apprentice Language Learning Program", the program provide Sakizaya the full-time job and salaries, teachers and students do not worry about the financial problems. When the Sakizaya's language development organization had been established, there are special personnel can help teachers and students and there is an office for discussing ethnic language strategies. The Sakizaya became the language of Wikipedia, which is an indicator of language development, but this work requires many persons. The identity of Sakizaya has been gradually strengthened, attracting young people to participate in the development of cultural tribes, and cooperation with the Kavalan has expanded the power of cultural preservation. The mainstream society's attention to the Sakizaya can be seen from the research results as the basis for objectivity. Observed from the content of the research results, the reclassification movement is still the focus of attention, and only a few researchers continue to study the ethnic development of the Sakizaya, and the Sakizaya's researchers are also fully engaged in this field. The research results on he ethnic development of the Sakizaya are used as a reference for reviewing development strategies. In addition to attracting general researchers, enabling people of the Sakizaya to be researchers may be included in important strategies for the ethnic development of the Sakizaya in the future.


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