  • 期刊


The Study of PRC's Ambition towards Space Supremacy by Assessing "Chinese Lunar Exploration Program"




1.The rise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) aerospace technology has stimulated the Asia-Pacific region and even the world, entering a whole new round of space competition. CCP scholar Ge Dong-sheng points out, to achieve and maintain national interest, space is undoubtedly the new strategic point. 2.Beginning from the year 1956, CCP has successfully designed and built approximately 170 satellites, the CCP continues to develop space programs including satellite development, human embarked spaceships, space laboratories, moon exploration etc. With the CCP Map of Beidou APP going online May 1, 2018. Providing movement and real-time positioning and navigation, improving the development of a Smart City's, auto driving, and smart logistics for largescale commercial usage. 3.The CCP development of moon exploration, estimated main focus is to exploit the resources that lie on the moon. The moon have multiple usable elements, with energy and minerals hidden in the soil. In order to obtain these resources, the CCP needs to speed up its exploration process to insure other nations do not interfere with the nation's interest. 4.The CCP has approximately 40 satellites in orbit, and an average of 20 satellites will pass through the overhead of Taiwan daily. The satellite imagery, long range communication, long range attacks are issues that must be countered in the Cross Strait Conflict. Thus the development of our nation's aerospace technology is imperative to enhance our military's countering capabilities.
