  • 期刊


Research of the CCP's Enhancement on the Status and Rights of Servicemen, Also on the Support of Veterans




1.In order to implement Xi Jinping's requirements of strong military at the 19th National Congress of Chinese Communist Party (CCP), encourage servicemen to perform their duties faithfully, strengthen the attractiveness of military careers, and appease the large number of veterans, the CCP has made great efforts to enhance the status and rights of servicemen and veterans from system, law, organization, and society in recent years. 2.To strengthen the status of servicemen, the CCP proposes to make servicemen into an honorable profession by the whole society, to give priority to servicemen in accordance with law, and to promote the construction of a servicemen's honor system. To support the rights and interests of servicemen, the CCP enacts the "Law of Protection of the Status, Rights and Interests of Military Personnel" to construct a servicemen's rights and interests support system from the national legislative level. 3. The CCP's actions to support the rights and interests of veterans: the establishment of the Department of Veterans Affairs to strengthen the service system for veterans; the enactment of the "Law of Veterans Support" to provide support's follow; to enhance the governance of veterans affairs by the systems of organizational management, policy, and work operations. 4. The CCP is reforming its national defense and army, it also actively enhances the status and rights of its servicemen. Our country may learn beneficial policies and actions from CCP's enhancements under considering national and military conditions. The purposes of learning may encourage the servicemen to serve stably for a long time, veterans don't worry about their future, and gain respect and honor in the society.
