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Effects of Temperature and Egg Size on Egg Duration, Hatching Rate, and Starvation Tolerance of First Instar Larvae of the Firefly, Pyrocoelia analis


本文係在室內定溫條件下探討溫度與卵大小對台灣窗螢卵期、孵化率與一齡幼蟲耐饑餓能力之影響。台灣窗螢卵在15℃處理下卵期99.6±5.7天最長,20℃處理下卵期45.9±0.4天居次,25℃處理下卵期26.9±0.5天,30℃處理下卵期21.2±0.3天最短。在20℃與25℃處理下,卵孵化率達及99.0%±0.1%,為卵孵化的良好溫度,30℃處理組81.0%±6.9%次之,15℃處理組為6.0%±1.2%最低。以卵重區別大型卵、中型卵與小型卵,25℃下大型卵、中型卵平均孵化率可達96%,但小型卵孵化率僅35%;大型卵孵化的一齡幼蟲平均體長8.67±0.51 mm最長,中型卵孵化的一齡幼蟲平均體長8.04±0.41 mm次之,小型卵孵化的一齡幼蟲平均體長6.91±0.72 mm最短。大型卵、中型卵及小型卵孵化後一齡幼蟲饑餓忍受力分別為27.05±9.18、25.25±6.09與19.50±4.43天。一齡幼蟲體長與其耐饑餓能力呈正相關(p < 0.05)。


The effects of temperature and egg size on egg duration and first instar larvae survival of Pyrocoelia analis were studied in the laboratory. The egg duration averaged 99.6±5.7, 45.9±0.4, 26.9±0.5, and 21.2±0.3 days when the temperature was at 15, 20, 25, and 30℃, respectively. At the temperatures of 20 and 25℃, the hatching rate was the highest and reached 99%±0.1%; while it was 81.0%±6.9% at 30℃and 6.0%±11.2% at 15℃. Eggs were separated into large, medium, and small sizes by weight. The hatching rate of large and medium eggs was 96% at 25℃, while it was only 35% for small eggs. The body length of First instar larvae hatched from large eggs measured 8.67 ± 0.51 mm, and was longer than those hatched from medium and small eggs with measurements of 8.04±0.41 mm and 6.91 ± 0.72 mm respectively. The starvation tolerance of first instar larvae hatched from large, medium and small eggs were 27.05± 9.18, 25.25±6.09 and 19.50±4.43 days, respectively. Body length showed a positive relationship with starvation tolerance (p < 0.05).


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