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Y紋龜金花蟲(Aspidomorph indica Boheman)(鞘翅目:金花蟲科)生活史初探

Preliminary Study of the Life Cycle of Aspidomorph indica Boheman (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)


於25℃恆溫箱以甘藷葉飼育Y紋龜金花蟲(Aspidomorph indica Boheman),進行生活史之研究。結果顯示卵淡黃帶粉紅色,橢圓形,長0.13公分,產於葉背,雌蟲每次產2~6個卵粒,卵粒外表覆蓋由雌成蟲副腺分泌之淡黃褐色卵鞘;卵期5~12天,平均7.7天。幼蟲有五齡,體呈紡錘形兩側具棘毛;一至五齡幼蟲,體長分別為0.13、0.18、0.24、0.29及0.43公分。齡期平均4.0、4.2、4.1、4.5及7.2天。二齡幼蟲背部逐漸出現斑紋,並將一齡之蛻皮留在腹部末端。前蛹為鮮綠色長0.54公分,蛻仍留在腹末端。蛹長0.54公分,蛹期5~10天,平均7.6天,胸背板透明向前延伸。成蟲體長1.40公分,成蟲壽命約77~267天,平均165.3天,生活史全期約109~299天,平均200.0天;成蟲翅鞘光滑,透明淡黃色,具金屬光澤,翅鞘上有黃金色「Y」字斑紋,前胸背板發達略透明,頭部隱於前胸背板下。成、幼蟲皆取食旋花科植物葉片。雌成蟲一生交尾多次。雌成蟲平均可產下59.63個卵鞘,每個卵鞘平均孵化4隻幼蟲。


A preliminary study of the life cycle of Aspidomorph indica Boheman (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) feeding on sweet potato leaf was conducted in a 25℃ incubator. Eggs were pinkish to light yellow in color, elliptical in shape, 0.13 cm long, and laid on the undersurface of the leaf. Females laid 2-6 eggs in brownish egg pods formed by the secretion of female accessory glands, The egg stage was 5-12 days long with a mean of 7.7 days. Larvae had five instars and were spindle shaped, with their periphery fringed with spines. For first to fifth instars, body length was 0.13, 0.18, 0.24, 0.29 and 0.43 cm, respectively and stadia duration was 4.0, 4.2, 4.1, 4.5 and 7.2 days, respectively. Lines appeared gradually on the back of 2nd instars and the exuvia remained attached at the tip of abdomen. Prepupae were fresh green in color, body length averaged 0.54 cm, and exuvia remained attached at the tails. Pupae were 0.54 cm long and the stage lasted 5-10 days, with a mean of 7.6 days. Notum was transparent and extended to the front. Adults had a body length of 1.40 cm. Adult longevity was 77-267 days with a mean of 165.3 days. The life cycle from egg to adult death was 109-299 days, with an average of 200.0 days. Adults had a metallic body color and a "Y" character on the back. Head was hidden under the prothoracic notum. Both larvae and adults fed on leaves of convolvulaceous plants. Females mated several times and laid 59.60 egg pods, and 4 individuals were emerged.
