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The Repellent Effect of Several Repellent Plants on the Mosquito and House Fly


本研究選擇國內一般常認為之防蟲植物,包括辣椒、綠薄荷、樟樹、香冠柏、匍匐型迷迭香、直立型迷迭香、羽葉薰衣草、檸檬香蜂草、檸檬香茅草、橘子、鼠尾草等,對埃及斑蚊、熱帶家蚊及家蠅進行忌避效果測定。在非選擇性測試(Non-choice test)下,以30分鐘內供試害蟲之驅出率來評估忌避效能。經由實驗室之測定結果發現,六種防蟲植物對埃及斑蚊具有忌避效果,這些防蟲植物在30分鐘內均能驅出半數以上之供試蟲隻,30分鐘之驅出率以綠薄荷最高(85.2%);其次依序為羽葉薰衣草(83.3%)、香冠柏(77.3%)、匍匐型迷迭香(75.0%)、檸檬香茅草(73.3%)、直立型迷迭香(65.0%)。二種防蟲植物對家蠅也具有忌避之效果,30分鐘驅出率匍匐型迷迭香為71.7%及檸檬香茅草為56.7%。但進行測試之十種防蟲植物對熱帶家蚊忌避效果均未達50%。由結果發現防蟲植物對居家害蟲具有驅蟲之潛力,因此,可納入居家環境管理的一環,可作為化學殺蟲劑之替代品,民眾可依居家害蟲的種類選擇有效、無公害且環保的防蟲植物來做為驅蟲資材。


Ten common repellent plants from domestic commercial market, including hot pepper, spearmint, camphor tree, cupressus gold crest, santa barbara rosemary, blue spires rosemary, lavender, lemon balm, lemon grass, citrus and sage, were evaluated for repellent effect on some household pests. A no-choice test was used, and the efficacy evaluation was by repellent rate after 30 min. Results showed that 6 plant species were effective at repelling Aedes aegypti. The spearmint had the highest repellent rate (85.2%) after 30 min, followed by lavender (83.3%), cupressus gold crest (77.3%), santa barbara rosemary (75.0%), lemon grass (73.3%), blue spires rosemary (65.0%). Results also showed that two species plants were effective at repelling Musca domestica. Santa barbara rosemary and lemon grass had a repellent rate at 30 min of 71.7 and 56.7%, respectively. However, we found that for Culex quinquefasciatus none of the natural plants tested could reach a standard repellent rate of 50%. Based on these results, we conclude that some plants have potential to repel household pests, and they could be included as part of a residential environmental management system. The public can use these environmentally safe and effective repellent plants as an alternative method for household pest control.


