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Non-Destructive Quarantine Technique- Potential Application of Using X-ray Images to Detect Early Infestations Caused by Oriental Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Fruit



In this study, we tested the possibility of using X-rays to examine internal injuries of various fruit. Fruit containing high amounts of water have been deemed unsuitable for X-ray imaging. However, with the aids of digitized X-ray imaging analysis, we are now able to examine internal injuries that produce differences from the homogeneity of normal fruit. Various kinds of fruit were implanted with the eggs of the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, and, the X-ray images of the fruit were examined after various time periods. The digitalized X-ray images showed that this technique can detect injuries caused by B. dorsalis at as early as 3 days after implantation of eggs in some fruits. Our results demonstrate that the current technique is an useful tool for the non-destructive inspection of internal injuries of fruit, something which cannot be determined solely with the naked eye.


本研究利用X光透視影像檢視水果的內部情形,以測試其應用在偵測檢疫害蟲的可行性。由於水果內部具有高水分含量,通常並不適用於X光檢測,然而藉助數位化影像分析,受害水果的內部危害情形可以與正常水果的均質情形有所區辨。我們以東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis)的卵植入多種不同類別的水果,於植卵後不同天數檢視水果內部的X光影像,並進行影像分析。水果受到蟲害亦可以與正常部位區辨,有些類別的水果在果實蠅孵化後三天即可偵測出受害情形。此項研究結果顯示X光透視影像應用於偵測檢疫害蟲具有可行性,且此種非破壞性技術可以有效偵測水果內部的受害情形,達到目視檢測無法達成的效果。


X光 非破壞性檢疫 影像分析 水果 東方果實蠅


