  • 期刊


《維摩經》與《智光明莊嚴經》|Vimalakīrtinirdeśa and Sarvabuddhaviṣayāvatārajnānālokālaṃkāra





1999年7月大正大學綜合佛教研究所經過許可對布達拉宮所藏的梵文寫本進行調查,發現了《維摩經》與《智光明莊嚴經》,此後由日中共同出版了影印本。本文簡要敘述以上之發現經過,以及對包在同一帙中《維摩經》與《智光明莊嚴經》的關聯性作些許探討。首先,關於如來法身的問題,分別列舉《智光明莊嚴經》中的〈文殊讚佛法身禮〉與《維摩經》〈方便品〉第12節「佛身」、「見阿閦佛品」第1節「以何等觀如来」中關於法身特徵的描述,由此推論兩者的共通之處。同時向大家介紹弘法大師空海的〈文殊讚佛法身禮〉方圓圖。其次,關於《維摩經》與《智光明莊嚴經》共通的偈頌部分,探討了《智光明莊嚴經》有可能引用了《維摩經》的4偈並被增廣至5偈,但也不排除兩經共同傳承而廣為傳頌的可能性。|In July, 1999, the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism at Taisho University received approval to examine the Sanskrit manuscripts stored at Potala Palace, upon which the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa and the Sarvabuddhavisayāvatārajnānālokālamkāra were identified. Subsequently, duplicate version of the manuscripts was published jointly by Japan and China. The present paper will give a brief overview of the process for which the two texts were discovered as well as a discussion on the relationship between the two manuscripts, which were wrapped in the same satchel. First of all, the issues concerning Tathāgata-dharmakāya, will be looked at. The descriptions on the characteristics of dharmakāya found in: "Chapter on Manjuśrī Praises the Buddha and Homage to the Dharma Body" of the Sarvabuddhavisayāvatārajnānālokālamkāra and in Vimalakīrtinirdeśa, "Chapter on Skilful Means", section 12, "Buddha body" and "Chapter on Vision of the Aksobhya Buddha", section one, "How would one view the Buddha". Commonalities between the two texts can be deduced from the above comparisons. Next agenda for dis cussion is re garding common ve rs e s be twe e n Vimalakīrtinirdeśa and Sarvabuddhavisayāvatārajnānālokālamkāra. It is probable that the Sarvabuddhavisayāvatārajnānālokālamkāra has quoted four verses from the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa and expended them into five verses. It is also possible that the two scriptures inherited from common tradition and were widely disseminated.


岩松淺夫、2007、「梵文維摩経偈頌攷正(1)」、『創価大学人文論集』19、頁 67-119。
高崎直道、1975、『如来蔵系経典』(大乗仏典 12)、東京:中央公論社。
