  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationships between Socialization and Composition of Dual-Organizational Identification: A Case of Financial Firm after Merger and Acquisition




The purposes of this study were to examine the impact of socialization on employees' original and new organizational identification after merger, and to explore the types of composition of dual-organizational identification. Samples of this study were bank staff with experienced the process of mergering. Questionnaires were used to collecting data. 270 questionnaires were returned and 217 questionnaires were valid. Resluts of this study were: (1) Socialization amalgamate company implemeting was negatively related to employees' orginial organizational identification. (2) Socialization amalgamate company implemeing was positively related to employees' new organizational identification. (3) Four types of dual-organizational identification were formed based on employees' original and new organizational identification, which were named as unconcerned type, novelty type, equal type and nostalgic type. Managerial implicatios and future research suggestions were also discussed in this paper.
