  • 期刊


The Correlation Study of Organizational Change Identification and Organizational Commitment: A Case of Logistics Personnel of ROCAF




This study employs the questionnaire method. The respondents include logistics officers and sergeants in ROCAF bases and logistics commands. A total of 495 questionnaires were distributed, of which 422 effective samples were analyzed by using SPSS. A number of analyses and tests were performed, including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and regression analysis, yielding the following results: 1. Background of the logistics personnel is a significant variable to levels of identification in organizational change and organizational commitment. 2. Identification in organizational change has significant positive influence on organizational commitment. 3. There is positive correlation between college education level, sergeant position, seniority, and identification in organizational change, and organizational commitment. 4. Organizational change already had impact on the management of the ROCAF; during the process of change, employees show a lower willingness to stay and serve in the organization, and a lower identification in participation and communication.
