  • 期刊


【論文摘要】Research Into The Identification Of The Junior High Teachear With The School



The ideal of administration is to unify individual requirements and the goal of the organization. That is, to unite the staff to achieve the goal and, in the meantime, to enable them to seek self-actualization. In order to fulfil this purpose, first of all, the organization should give the staff a feeling of identification with the organization itself. In other words, it should arouse the willingness of making commitments to the goal. Not only does the identification of the teacher with the school relate the teacher's own satisfaction of meeting requirements but also affects their morale and the enthusiasm for their service. Hence, the purpose of this research is to explore this identification by investigating teachers with different backgrounds. For the research, I have made a series of questionnaires and test 914 junior high teachers from Taiwan province, Taipei and Kaohsiung municipality, and jubg-Maa area. Following are some from the reasearch: 1. Male teachers have greater identification with the school than female teachers. 2. Married teachers have greater identification with the school than unmarried teachers. 3. Teachers who are certified by passing the Authorized Examination have greater identification with school than those who graduate from Normal school. 4. Teachers who served at the school for more than 6 years have greater identification with the school than those who hare served for 2 years. 5. Teachers who have job involvement with the administration have greater identification with the school .than those who do not. 6. Teachers at secluded areas have grater identification with the, school than those in the county, town and the city. 7. Teachers at small size schools have grater identification with school than those at medium and large size schools. Base on the above findings, I would propose some suggestions: 1. Assist female teachers to alleviate the conflice between their different roles and actively enconrage them to take part in the school affairs. 2. Arouse in them enthusiasm for education and ensure the job stability of unmarried teachers. 3. Emphasize the importance of professional attitude and self-improvement. 4. Properly arrange the administrative work and create more chances for teachers to take part in the school affairs. 5. Reformation of social customs and help teacher to understand the school conditions. 6. Increase the education budget and establish small and medium schools. 7. Enlarge the principal leadership functions of jounior high school.


