  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


On Contemporary Interpretation of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: Applied Management in Buddhist Texts




This paper extracts three modern management applications based on Venerable Master Hsing Yun's interpretation of management derived from the Buddhist scriptures, namely: character management, wisdom management, and management of good affinities. Character management calls for managers to have good moral character and virtues. Additionally, it is to avoid immoral behaviors that could be detrimental to the enterprise. Moreover, a proactive approach is to skillfully apply some of their good characteristics, therefore enhancing leadership and management skills. Not only that, managers shall acquire exceptional management skills, develop wisdom in strategic decisions that is non-attached and transparent, clear in all aspects, and practical resolutions based on clear understanding future situations. The cultivation of prajñā wisdom in Buddhism helps managers to develop wisdom. The management of broadly developing good affinities is based on the Buddhist concept of cause and effect, that practicing virtuous deeds brings forth support in business operations, while positive affinities minimize obstacles in one's career.
