  • 期刊

The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Network Culture Safety Education for College Students in the New Era


The fast-developing network culture changes people's lives and ways of thinking, enriches people's spiritual world, and brings convenience to people's lives, but the hidden bad information also poses a serious threat to the country's ideological security and values. For college students who are on the front line of emerging things, this change is particularly obvious. Under this circumstance, it is of practical importance and urgency to strengthen college students' network culture safety education. Through actual investigation and research, this paper analyzes the main reasons for the lack of network culture safety education for college students, and based on this, has formed a set of methods for college students' network culture safety education.


Information on:http://www.cnnic.net.cn/hlwfzyj/
H.Lin, M.J.Shi and J.F.Yang:Problems and Countermeasures of Network Security Education for College Students in the New Era,Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University, Vol. 14 (2018) No.4, p.73-78.
W.J.Yao, G.F.Peng:Theoretical Thinking of Constructing Network Culture Security,Journal of Central China Normal University, Vol. 49 (2010) No.3, p.71-76.
