

Singing is not only the process of simple songs, and it is a need to will and emotion in combination with each other, coordinate each other, mutual control process, the singer singing requires emotional input, effectively control and subjective will, so as to achieve the singer's emotional processing and the unity of music works. Singers' positive emotional input is the key to the interpretation of good works, positive emotions can greatly enhance the singer's physical and mental activity ability, so that they have a strong interest in vocal music works, keen feeling, highly focused attention and consciously strengthen memory.


Li Xiaoyi. National Vocal Music Singing Art [M]. Changsha: Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, 2004.
Zou Changhai. Vocal Art Psychology [M]. Beijing: People's Music Publishing House, 2000.
Hu Zhonggang. Zhang Yougang. Vocal Music Practical Basic Course [M]. Chongqing: Southwest Normal University Press, 1997.
Pan Naixian. Vocal music exploration road [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Music Publishing House, 2003.
Liu Xiang. Vocal Art [M]. Beijing: People's Music Press, 2005.
