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Research on the Cultivation Mechanism of Contemporary College Students' Healthy Social Mentality


General Secretary Xi Jinping expressed the ardent hope for youth at a Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the Communist Party of China, he pointed out: "The future belongs to the youth, and hope is placed on the youth." He also required youth to consciously integrate their youth struggle into the sacred cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, live it to the times, live it to the fullest, and live it to the ardent expectations of the party and the people. This is the great spur and encouragement of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core to hundreds of millions of youth, and it also provides clear work guidelines for the work of youth in the new era. College students, as the backbone of the youth group in the new era, strengthen the cultivation mechanism construction of a healthy social mentality of college students, which has important practical significance for cultivation and shaping the ambitious, backboned, and confident college students in the new era, the thesis analyzes the social mentality characteristics, existing problems and solutions of contemporary college students, the purpose is to train qualified talents and successors for the sacred cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by building and improving social mentality cultivation mechanism with ideological and political education as the carrier.


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Dong Xiaorong, Zeng Linghui. On the cultivation of healthy social mentality of college students in the new era [J]. School party construction and ideological education, 2021, {4} (03): 25-28.
