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Rousseau Put Forward that Natural Education is the Philosophy of Education in Emil


The book is an educational novel with narration and discussion. It takes Emil, a rich orphan, as the protagonist, discusses the educational reform of men, criticizes the absurdity and corruption of the old British education, and puts forward the principles and ideals of the new education. And through education of Emil's future wife Sophie, this paper demonstrates the innovation of women's education. The book reflects the naturalistic educational thought and expounds the theory of good nature. His thoughts have inspired and influenced many educators in later generations, and this book systematically puts forward a new concept of children's education for the first time in the history of western education, thus setting off a "Copernican Revolution" in the history of education.


Emil Education Rousseau


White pigeon. Giving Nature Back to Children: Re-examining Rousseau's Educational Thought from Emile [J]. Fujian Education, 2021, (12): 62-63.
Ma Yan. On the Pedagogical Thought of Rousseau's Emile [J]. Henan Agriculture, 2019, (30): 14-16.
Kong Xiaohui. The Rational Light of Natural Education: Reading Rousseau's Emile [J]. Teaching ideological and political classes, 2019, (06): 95-96.
Zhao Dan, Li Junyi. Naturalistic Educational Thought in Rousseau's Emile and Its Practical Significance [J]. Educational Modernization, 2018, 5(27): 124-127.
Wang Miao, Li Junyi. Natural Education Thought and Its Contemporary Value in Rousseau's Emile [J]. Science and Education Literature Collection (First Edition), 2018, (03):143-144+147.
