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An Analysis of the Transitions of Obama Administration's South China Sea Policy: Freedom of Navigation


本文主要研究目的,是從1979年美國航行自由計畫之制定為出發,探討到歐巴馬(Barack Obama)政府任內之航行自由計畫是否有何本質或戰略之改變。作者認為,在近年南海爭端情勢上升之矛頭多指向中國大陸在南海島礁的填海造陸行為時,美國以捍衛南海航行自由為號召,加大挑戰大陸在南海海域之主權主張。而相較過去航行自由計畫之任務內容僅公布年度挑戰國家與過度海域主張之項目,自2015年開始,美國於南海執行航行自由計畫已漸轉為公開方式,較過去更「頻繁」與「實際」地挑戰區域內過度海域主張之國家。該轉變之背後意涵是對大陸快速、大規模地填海造陸所引起之區域現況改變之擔憂,而美國透過公布每次執行航行自由計畫行動的主要目的有3:第1,以維護航行自由之國際法之基礎;第2、維持美國在區域內的領導地位;第3,透過航行自由行動,向區域盟友提供安全保證。


The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the U. S. Freedom of Navigation Program has changed fundamentally or strategically under President Barack Obama's administration since its set up in 1979. As China's construction of artificial islands and military activities in recent years has raised the tension in the South China Sea, the United States keeps on conducting FONOPs to challenge the excessive maritime claims by the countries in the area to protect the right of freedom of navigation. Since 2015, the challenges to the claimants under FONOP in South China Sea has become more open, frequent, and precise. In view of China's changing the status quo in the South China Sea, U. S. keeps exercising FONOPs the purposes of which are as follows: first, to protect the right of freedom of navigation under international law; second, to maintain the U.S. leadership in the area; third, to provide security guarantee to her allies in the area.
