  • 學位論文

美國霸權穩定下印太戰略構思與未來展望 -以南海自由航行為例

The Indo-Pacific Strategic Conception and Future Prospects under the Stable US Hegemony-Take free navigation in the South China Sea as an example

指導教授 : 朱新民


摘要 美國川普(Trump Administration)上任後,為尋求「讓美國再次偉大」(Make America Great Again)與落實「美國優先」(America First)的原則,美國重新調整歐巴馬政府(Obama Administration)時期的亞太政策,推動「自由開放的印度—太平洋區域」(promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region),國際間普遍認知美國針對中國大陸推動「一帶一路倡議」;推動印太戰略主要目的主要在於壓制潛在對手中國大陸並維持其霸權。 美國印太戰略,可追溯自日本前首相安倍晉三。美國發展方面則是由歐巴馬總統推出的「重返亞洲」,接續到川普時期成形的「印太戰略」。各個時期皆有其不同的環境與背景,不論是建立區域合作黟伴,亦或是形成堅強盟友,共同遏制掘起強權,達成國家所望戰略意涵。 1979年美國開始航行自由計畫(Freedom of Navigation Program),標誌著美國航行自由政策的確立。從冷戰到21世紀,航行自由政策是美國成就其海上霸權的一把利劍。隨著世界格局多極化的深入發展,航行自由政策再次成為美國外交政策中的焦點之一,是美國鞏固其全球霸權的有力工具。然而,美國川普任內(2017年-2020年)持續以「自由航行」進出南海,藉此獲知情報及友盟合作。本文試以美國「自由航行行動」分佈區域、頻次、機艦型式等因素分析其戰略意涵。 美國未參與1982年《聯合國海洋公約》締約,卻經常援引公約有關船舶享有無害通過領海,以及於公海自由航行與飛越等自由挑戰各聲索國,並否定人工島礁可能從自然島礁轉變而來的事實。事實上美國宣稱的過度海洋主張與其未加入國際海洋公約組織,始終令各國質疑其合法性與正當性,更直接傳達其霸權概念。此外,美國自發展「印太戰略」以來,與中國「一帶一路」海上絲綢之路在理上的重合,凸顯南海區域的重要性,不論是中國大陸吹沙造島與軍事化,或是美國的「自由航行」。更能清楚觀察中美競合己進入白熱化階段,對於南海域內的東協國家,不僅難以向中美任一方靠攏,也難以成為中立。對於美國「印太戰略」域外盟友,日本與澳洲定期與美國舉行會談(如2+2或香格里拉會議),近年法國、德國等歐盟主要國家及英國,相繼提出印太戰略準則及進入南海海域自由航行等,顯見國際間對於印太地區的重視,也使得南海地區國際關係更加複雜。


霸權 印太戰略 南海 自由航行


Abstract After U.S. Trump took office. In order to seek to "make America great again" and to implement the principle of "America First", The United States readjusted its Asia-Pacific policy during the Obama administration, Promote the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region", It is widely recognized internationally that the U.S. is promoting the "One Belt One Road Initiative" against mainland China; The main purpose of promoting the Indo-Pacific strategy is to suppress potential rivals in Mainland China and maintain its hegemony. US Indo-Pacific Strategy, It can be traced back to former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The development of the United States is the "Return to Asia" launched by President Obama. Following the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" formed during Trump's time. Each period has its different environment and background, Regardless of establishing regional cooperation partners, Or form a strong ally, Together to curb the emergence of power, Achieve the strategic implications of the country's expectations. The United States began its freedom of navigation program in 1979. From the Cold War to the 21st century, The freedom of navigation policy is a sharp sword for the United States to achieve its maritime hegemony. With the in-depth development of the multi-polarization of the world, The freedom of navigation policy has once again become one of the focal points of U.S. foreign policy. It is a powerful tool for the United States to consolidate its global hegemony. However, During Trump's tenure (2017-2020), he continued to enter and leave the South China Sea with "free navigation", This article attempts to analyze the strategic implications of the United States’ "Free Navigation Operations" based on factors such as the distribution area, frequency, and types of aircraft and ships. The United States did not participate in the 1982 "United Nations Convention on Oceans", However, it often invokes the convention that ships enjoy harmless passage through territorial waters, As well as the freedom to sail and fly over the high seas to challenge the claiming nations, And deny the fact that artificial islands and reefs may be transformed from natural islands and reefs. In fact, the United States’ claim of excessive oceans is not the same as not joining the International Ocean Convention Organization, Always make countries question its legitimacy and legitimacy, More directly convey the concept of hegemony. In addition, since the United States developed the "Indo-Pacific Strategy", The logical overlap with China’s "One Belt, One Road" Maritime Silk Road, Highlight the importance of the South China Sea region, Regardless of whether it’s the sand-blasting and militarization of mainland China, Or "free navigation" in the United States. We can clearly observe that the Sino-U.S. competition and cooperation have entered a white-hot stage, For the ASEAN countries in the South China Sea, Not only is it difficult to move closer to either China or the United States, It is also difficult to become neutral. Regarding the foreign allies of the U.S. "India Grand Strategy". For the U.S.'s "Indo-Pacific Strategy" foreign allies, Japan and Australia hold regular talks with the United States (such as 2+2 or Shangri-La meetings), In recent years, major EU countries such as France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, Successively proposed the Indo-Pacific strategic guidelines and free navigation into the South China Sea, etc., It is obvious that the international community attaches great importance to the Indo-Pacific region, It also makes international relations in the South China Sea more complicated.


