

Religion and politics have a huge influence on human life. Although in practice they have different positions, a fundamental assessment shows shared ontological characteristics, thereby indicating a mutual influence that can provide the basis for study. The interconnectedness of these two major fields will naturally influence one of life's most fundamental aspects, humanity, as both deal with the search for human dignity. This dignity, in turn, is a foundational part of human rights, which are evidenced in religious acts and sources of the codes that guide human behavior. This research uses a hermeneutical-philosophical method, combining religious philosophy and political theology as its primary analytical tools, to show that dignified human management can be derived from the intense relationship between politics and religion. Such human management is not regulatory, cultural, or even associated with the State, but departs from the concept of original dignity. In the Indonesian case, the combination of dignity and sovereignty can be developed as a divine scheme within the Constitution and the foundation of the State, thereby ensuring that the sovereignty of the Indonesian people is ethically eschatological but politically dynamic.
