  • 期刊


Museum and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage


在西方世界裡,博物館是建立他們知識系統的主要關鍵機構,他們文化的傳承,除了學校系統之外就是靠博物館了!所以他們認為成立博物館是為了社會利益“for the good of a society",而我個人體驗常常把博物館看成是「文化載具」。西方世界的歷史領域,尤其文化的源頭,總要推到希臘神廟,如果要以仍可追尋的軌跡來證實,除了希臘神廟的遺址之外,冰島現有的Thingvellir National Park被指定為世界文化資產,就是民主以溝通為原則的這份「無形文化資產」存在的依據,因此以希臘神廟為基地的「博物館」(Mouseion)於亞歷山大大帝死後三四十年間成立為現代博物館源頭,西方文化就一路依傍著溝通的經濟,標榜著“for the good of a society",發展到今天的全球化博物館更成為文化觀光的「文化經濟載具」,而使得經濟發展中與未發展的國家雖有著自己的在地文化資產,卻要在經濟制度與博物館模式尚未健全之下,就要合併著利用,來延續或推展自己的社會的發展,甚至成為文化觀光的經濟資源,因此對西方博物館的歷史腳步就成為不可忽視的一環。


In western world, museum is a key institution which establishes system of knowledge, extends and passes down western culture . Museum has become a reliable "cultural vehicle," similar to that of a school system, transmitting cultural traditions to next generations- for the good of their society. In western history, especially when tracing their cultural sources, Greek temples were considered as typical evidences. Except from taking the ruin sites as physical evidences, when the Thingvellir National Park of Iceland was accepted as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 2004, this site is another proof of the intangible heritage value that demonstrates how Icelanders use communication as a vehicle to reach democracy and globalization . Museum is also an economical vehicle. For developing and under developed countries, local community's self-awareness, creativity and commitment are increasingly important for local or regional museums. This mandate has changed the traditional museum's mission, from collecting treasures of the world toward the conservation of their own communities' cultural heritage. It is necessary to study the history of western museum systems, if we want to have a healthy museum.


Alexander, Edward P. ed., Museum Masters: Their Museums and Their Influence.
Blankenship, Ralf, Colleagues in Organization: The Social Construction of Professional Work, 1977, New York: Wiley.
George Henri Riviere,Images of the Ecomuseum, Museum, no. 148, 1985, Paris: ICOM, p. 182-3.
Rogers, T.B., Kuiper, N.A., Kirker, W.S.1977, Self-Reference and the Encoding of Personal Information, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 35, No. 9,p 677-688
Spiess, "Toward a New Professionalism, American Museums in the 1920s and 1930s", in Museum News, March/April 1996, pp. 39-40.
