  • 期刊


Stress Perception of Medical Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic


目的:2019年年底起新型冠狀病毒(SARS-Cov-19)(以下簡稱Covid-19)傳播,並造成超過2億人確診,500萬人因此死亡。在第一線的醫療人員所面臨壓力不容小覷,本研究旨在比較不同醫事職類於疫情期間壓力感受及其變化情形。方法:本研究為縱貫性研究並以方便取樣的方式選取北市某醫學中心之醫事人員。研究問卷包含個人基本資料、工作相關資料及採用「照顧高危險性傳染疾病病患之壓力量表」,以「照顧高危險性傳染疾病病患之壓力量表」調查兩個不同時間的壓力感受並以SPSS 24.0套裝軟體進行資料處理與分析。結果:兩次調查時分別有161、156位受試者完成,以女性(123位,76.4%)、20-29歲(69位,42.9%)、大學畢業(120位,74.5%)及護理師(90位,56.6%)為多數。「照顧高危險傳染疾病患之壓力量表」之整理壓力感受部分全部受試者第兩次分別較前次降低7.8分,醫師降低4.3分、護理師降低5.4分、藥師20.0分、其他職類降低12.2分,除醫師職類外其餘均達統計上的顯著差異。廣義估計方法顯示藥師職類在「壓力感受之每題平均得分」、「感染控制的困難與焦慮」及「照顧病患的負擔」的改變量較醫師降低得多,而其他職類則是在「照顧病患的負擔」降低的程度較醫師多。結論:面對新興且高傳染性疾病會增加醫療人員的壓力感受,而醫療人員的壓力感受會受到疫情進展影響。藥師及其他職類,雖其壓力均較醫師低,但只要病毒沒有消失仍有隨時再爆發的風險,故醫療管理者應定時關心人員壓力感受,以利及早給予相對應的關懷措施。


Purpose: The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus (SAR-Cov-19, Covid-19) since the end of 2019 has resulted in confirmed cases of more than two hundred million people and deaths of five million people. The stress on the frontline medical professionals cannot be neglected. The purpose of the research was to compare the stress levels in different situations of different medical professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: This is a longitudinal study using convenience sampling approach to select participants from a teaching hospital in Taipei. The research questionnaire included personnel basic information, work-related information, and the Stress Scale of Caring for Highly Infectious Disease Patients questionnaire, which was used to investigate stress levels in two different timelines. Data analysis was performed with SPSS 24.0 software. Results: There were 161 and 156 participants completed the investigation in the two timelines, respectively. Among them, females (123, 76.4%), aged from 20 to 29 (69, 42%), with college degree (120, 74.5%), and nurses (90, 56%) were the majority. The total score in the second timeline showed in average 7.8 points lower than that in the first over all participants; 4.3 points lower in physicians, 5.4 points lower in nurses, 20.0 points lower in pharmacists, and 12.2 points lower in other medical professionals. The difference in all professions reached the statistically significant difference, except in physicians. The generalized linear model showed that pharmacists had lower average score than physicians in stress level, difficulty and anxiety caused by infection control, and the loadings of patient care. The other professionals showed lower average score than physicians in loading of patient care. Conclusions: Coping with a new infectious disease with strong transmissibility would rise the stress of medical professionals, and the stress level perceived by medical professionals were influenced by the progress of pandemic. Although the stress levels in pharmacists and other professions were lower than physicians, the risk of re-outbreak still exists unless the virus is disappeared. Therefore, healthcare managers should regularly contact workers for stress level evaluation in order to provide the corresponding care as soon as possible.


