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Pandemic Response: The Impacts on Online Grocery Shopping due to the Outbreak of COVID-19 in China


China has been said to be the parallel world of confronting and handling the COVID19 pandemic compared between there and elsewhere. Online grocery shopping has become an essential substitute for conventional brick and mortar grocery purchases in China. Despite the uniqueness and surprise of the public health crisis besides orderly and significant growing speed and mass employment of on-screen grocery purchases across the globe, there is still a lack of study representing details of behaviors and thoughts of consumers in dissimilar focus groups during the lockdown period in China, where the world outbreak of virus first became the foremost interruption of lives. This paper shows, as the pandemic, health concern became the leading inducement of changing shopping patterns towards online. 1160 participants are in the survey and data analysis, which questions covered topics such as panic-buying, price sensitivity, sells-outs.


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