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Effects of Dietary Lysine and Digestible Energy Levels on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics in the Two-way Crossed Taiwan Black Pigs and Three-way Crossed Hogs


本試驗目的在比較飼糧離胺酸與消化能含量對臺灣黑豬(TDD自交代I_3)及三品種雜交肉豬(LYD)於生長及肥育階段之生長性能及屠體性狀之影響。飼養試驗分生長期及肥育期,每期分別採用36頭TDD與36頭LYD肉豬(閹公豬肉女豬各半)。生長期之飼糧離胺酸含量為0.75%及0.85%。肥育期之飼糧離胺酸和消化能分別為0.55%各3000 kcal/kg、0.60%和3250 kcal/kg以及0.70%和3250 kcal/kg,於肥育期試驗結束時,每處理逢機取4頭(2閹公豬2肉女豬)肉豬進行屠宰試驗。試驗結果顯示,生長期LYD肉豬之採食量、增重和飼料效率均較TDD佳,背脂厚度亦較TDD薄(P<0.05)。TDD和LYD肉豬飼予飼糧離胺酸0.85%,其採食量和增重較飼予飼糧離胺酸0.75%者佳(P<0.05),背脂厚度亦較薄(P<0.05),但飼料效率則無顯著差異。肥育階段LYD肉豬之生長性狀、能量利用率、離胺酸利用率以及屠體性狀均較TDD者佳(P<0.05)。飼予處理飼糧含離胺酸0.60%和消化能3250 kcal/kg時,TDD和LYD肉豬之採食量、增重、飼料效率及能量利用率優於飼糧含離胺酸0.55%和消化能3000 kcal/kg者(P<0.05)。當飼糧含離胺酸0.60%和消化能3250 kcal/kg時,TDD之瘦肉率和腰眼面積較其他二組飼糧者佳(P0.05),而LYD肉豬之瘦肉率於飼予飼糧離胺酸0.60%和消化能3250 kcal/kg較飼予飼糧含離胺酸0.55%消化能和3000 kcal/kg者佳(P0.05)。背脂厚度在TDD和LYD肉豬均飼予飼糧含離胺酸0.55%和消化能3000 kcal/kg較飼予飼糧含離胺酸0.70%和消化能3250 kcal/kg者薄(P<0.05),本研究顯示LYD肉豬之生長性能及屠體性狀較TDD為佳,而生長期TDD和LYD肉豬飼予飼糧含離胺酸0.85%和消化能3250 kcal/kg時,其生長表現較佳背脂度亦較薄;肥育期之TDD和LYD肉豬,飼予飼糧含離胺酸0.60%和消化能3250 kcal/kg時有較佳之生長表現和屠體品質。


This study was designed to evaluate the effects of dietary lysine and digestible energy levels on growth performance and carcass characteristics in the two-way crossed Taiwan Black Pigs (Duroc 75% and Taoyuan 25%; TDD) and three-way crossed hog (Landrace 25% and Yorkshire 25% and Duroc 50%; LYD). Feeding experiments were divided into growth period (BW 30-50 kg) and finishing period (BW 50-110 kg). In each stage 36 TDD and 36 LYD hogs (half barrow and half gilt) were used. In growth period, the trial was assigned as a 2x2 factorial arrangement, and TDD and LYD hogs were fed the diets containing 16% crude protein and 3250 kcal/kg digestible energy with lysine contents of 0.75% or 0.85%. In finishing period, the trial was assigned as a 2x3 factorial arrangement, and TDD and LYD pigs were fed the diets containing 14% crude protein and dietary contents of lysine and digestible energy were as follows: 0.55%, 3000 kcal/kg; 0.60%, 3250 kcal/kg; 0.70%, 3250 kcal/kg, respectively. Measurements were daily intake, daily gain, feed efficiency, digestible energy efficiency (gain/digestible energy intake; g/Mcal), lysine efficiency (gain/ lysine intake; g/g), and backfat thickness (at the last rib). At the end of finishing period, 4 pigs about 110 kg BW (2 barrow and 2 gilt) from each treatment were killed to measure the carcass characteristics. The results showed that growth performance and backfat thickness of LYD hogs scored better than TDD during growth period (P< 0.05). Pigs fed the diet containing 0.85% lysine was significantly higher in daily intake and daily gain than those of pigs fed the diet containing 0.75% lysine. Meanwhile, TDD and LYD hogs fed the diet containing 0. 85% lysine had thinner backfat than those of pigs fed the diet containing 0.75% lysineat 50 kg BW. However, pigs fed the diet containing 0.85% lysine was better in growth performance and backfat thickness of TDD and LYD hogs during growth period. In finishing period, growth performance and carcass characteristics and energy efficiency and lysine efficiency in LYD hogs were better than TDD(P<0.05). TDD and LYD hogs fed the diet containing 0.60% lysine and 3250 kcal/kg digestible energy were significantly higher in growth performance and energy efficiency than those of pigs fed the diet containing 0.55% lysine and 3000 kcal/kg digestible energy (P<0.05). TDD group had the best lean percentage and longissimus muscle area when fed the diet containing 0.60% lysine and 3250 kcal/kg digestible energy. LYD hogs fed the diets (0. 60% or 0.70% lysine and 3250 kcal/kg digestible energy) higher on the leanness rate than those fed the diet containing 0.55% lysine and 3000 kcal/kg digestible energy. The backfat thickness of TDD and LYD hogs fed the diet containing 0.55% lysine and 3000 kcal/kg digestible energy were thinner than those fed the diet containing 0.70% lysine and 3250 kcal/kg digestible energy (P<0.05). Therefore, the finishing TDD and LYD hogs fed the diet containing 0.60% lysine and 3250 kcal/kg digestible energy will get better expression in growth and carcass characteristics.
