

The Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) Program is one of the most important projects for the dairy industry in Taiwan. It provides reports to dairy farmers for making selection and management decisions. Reports of milk constituents, cows' performance information and farm management efficiency are published monthly for the dairymen. In 2000, there were 217 dairy herds, 13,989 milking cows enrolled. The average herd size for milking cows was 64 head per herd with average parities of 2.57; the average 305-2X-ME milk yield was 6,623 kg and the average daily milk yield was 21 kg. The average percentage of fat, protein and lactose in milk were 3.57, 3.11 and 4.55, respectively. The average somatic cell count in milk was 523,000/ml. Reproduction data of 9,712 cows in 1999 revealed that the interval from calving to first service was 117 days and the days open was 178 days. As the Internet is gradually becoming popular, the DHI program in Taiwan is furnishing internet (http://www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw) with the Microsoft IE5.0 browser. Active Server Pages (ASP), VB Script and Microsoft SQL have been used in developing dynamic homepage. Each dairyman has his own farmer code and password to input his dairy herd performance data and print out the management reports with different color remarkings to illustrate the importance of information via the internet. These reports can be used to improve farm management practices and milk quality.


乳牛群性能改良(DHI)為國內乳業重要計畫之一,提供酪農個別牛隻牛乳品質檢驗及性能檢定月報表及相關的經營效率報表作為選育牛隻及改善牛群管理之參考。2000年有217戶,13,989頭泌乳牛隻參加本計畫,每戶參檢泌乳牛平均64頭,平均胎次2.6胎,平均305-2X-ME乳量6,623公斤。每頭牛之每日產乳量平均21公斤,乳脂率3.57%;乳蛋白質率3.11%,乳糖率4.55%,體細胞數每毫升52.3萬個。分析9,712頭乳牛繁殖性狀資料,分娩後第一次配種日數平均為117天,空胎日數平均為178天。近年網際網路逐漸普遍,各行業均用之經營其事業,國內DHI計畫已用IE 5.0為操作環境,HTML配合Active Server Pages(ASP)及用 VB Script 為主要開發語言,配合微軟公司的Microsoft SQL Server 7.0資料庫軟體,架構DHI資料庫網際網路系統,網址為http/www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw/。酪農戶進入網站,由單一視窗輸入代號及密碼後,就能輸入自已牛群資料、列印管理報表。而管理報表配合顏色分類,酪農可列印報表,及時有效地運用報表改善牛群管理,提升生乳品質。


乳牛群性能改良 性能 網際網路
