  • 期刊


Effects of Vetiver grass on vegetation and water-soil conservation of range


本試驗目的係利用培地茅草(Vetiveria zizanioides)改善沖刷牧野的水土保持與草原的復育。試驗的結果顯示,牧野參試之培地茅的農藝性狀,包括株高、葉數、莖徑、鮮草及乾物產量,均較恆春茅草(lmperata cylindrica)佳。種植兩種茅草之牧野試區土壤同屬中性(pH 7.4~7.5),有機質平均為1.08%,其他有效性磷及鉀、交換性鈣及鎂、錳與鐵含量,分別為1、48、6342、1300、353與150 mg/kg。培地茅與恆春茅草之粗蛋白質含量並無差異;兩者之中洗纖維含量亦相同;酸洗纖維含量則以培地茅較低,分別為48.1%及50.1%。兩草培植之根系生長,根長以培地茅較長;根徑以恆春茅草較粗;培地茅根鮮重及乾物產量較重。以培地茅較恆春茅草生長之覆蓋率高,其水土保持之效果較佳。培地茅栽培試區保有較高的土壤含水量,顯示培地茅較恆春茅草有較佳的土壤水分保持能力。兩種參試之水土保持草種,以種植培地茅試區之沖蝕程度較低,其水土保持之效果較佳。


培地茅 茅草 覆蓋率 水土保持


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) on vegetation of range and water-soil conservation. The results showed as follow: Agronomic characters of Vetiver grass including plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, grass and dry matter yield were better than Imperata grass. The soil of range had mid pH value (pH7.4~7.5), low content of organic matter (1.08%), low content of available phosphorus (1 mg/kg) and available potassium (48 mg/kg), high content of exchangeable calcium (6342 mg/kg), magnesium (1300 mg/kg), manganese (353 mg/kg) and iron (150 mg/kg). The content of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber of Vetiver and Imperata grass had no significant difference, however, the content of acid detergent fiber of Vetiver grass was lower than Imperata grass. The growth of roots of Vetiver grass was better than Imperata grass, including root length, root fresh and dry matter weights. The coverage of Vetiver grass was higher than that of Imperata grass. The soil water content of Vetiver grass plot was higher than the Imperata grass. The Vetiver grass had higher water conservation ability and water erosion in Vetiver grass was less than that in Imperata grass.
