  • 期刊


Effects of stocking densities on growth performance of native chicken, soil properties and vegetation covering


本試驗在一定面積下,放牧飼養不同密度之雌土雞,觀察放牧對雌土雞之生長性能、土壤理化性質及地表植生之影響,並找出適當飼養密度,以供農友放牧飼養土雞之參考。試驗前將雌土雞舍飼至5週齡;自第6週起,依六種不同飼養密度,逢機分配至各小區,二重複,共12小區,每小區面積為16.5 m^2。飼養密度為0、2、4、6、8及10隻/3.3 m^2 (0、2、4、6、8及10隻/坪),共使用雌土雞計300隻。放牧調查期間為6週齡至20週齡。結果顯示平均每3.3 m^2(1坪)飼養10雌土雞,其飼料效率及20週齡體重顯著較其他各試驗組差。存活率則以每坪飼養密度6隻者為最低,為91.7±2.3%,顯著地低於其他各組。羽毛損傷評估,各組均極少發生啄羽現象。放牧試驗結束後地表植生覆蓋率以每坪飼養2隻雌土雞之10.8%為最佳,而無飼養雞之對照組為95.6%,其他各組植生覆蓋率低,地表裸露情形相當嚴重。放牧結束後,所做的土壤理化性質調查,以每坪飼養10隻者測出氮0.28%;磷133 mg/kg;鋅22.3 mg/kg;導電度5.05 dS/m顯著較高。


The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of stocking densities on growth performance of native chickens, physico-chemical properties of soil and vegetation covering. A total of 300 native chickens were raised in a poultry house till 5 weeks of age. From 6 weeks of age, female chickens were allotted into 12 blocks and six stocking density groups. Each block has 16.5 m^2 area covered with 12.4 m^2 pasture. The densities were 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 birds per 3.3 m^2. Each treatment had two replicates. Perch and shelter were provided during the experiment from 6 to 20 weeks of age. The results indicated that the 10 birds/3.3 m^2 treatment had the poorest feed efficiency and body weight gains when compared with other treatments (P < 0.05). The feed efficiency and body weight gains for Pullet were 6.45±0.49 and 1487±167g in the 10 birds /3.3 m^2 group, respectively. The survival rate was 91.7±2.3% in pullets in the 6 birds /3.3 m^2 group which was the lowest among the treatments. There was no significant difference in feather score among treatments. At the end of the experiment, vegetation covering in 2 birds/3.3 m^2 group was better than the other treatments. Regarding the physical and chemical properties of soil, 10 birds/3.3 m^2 group had the highest N, P, Zn and electrical conductivity (EC), which were 0.28 %, 133mg/kg, 22.3 mg/kg, and 5.05 dS/m in Pullet, respectively.
