  • 期刊


The selection of prolific black pigsⅡ. The performance of KHAPS black pigs in field test


畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場利用梅山豬(M)與杜洛克豬(D)進行雜交與多年的世代選育,育出帶有純合子多產基因的新品種黑豬-高畜黑豬(KHAPS Black Pig,代號K),其繁殖性能與生長性能已獲改善,而其供為商用黑母豬之生產模式與田間繁殖表現仍待評估。田間試驗一於2007與2008年分別採用第4代(K4)與第5代(K5)之高畜黑豬經產母豬各12頭,移轉至民間商用豬場(漢寶增豐牧場)進行二產次的雜交繁殖。第一產次是由K4母豬與盤克夏(B)公豬配種,平均分娩總仔數10.8頭,活仔數9.3頭,黑毛比例為83.3%;第二產次是用K4母豬與杜洛克公豬或民間大黑公豬配種,分娩總仔數13.6頭,活仔數11.6頭,黑毛比例提高為87.5%。K×B雜交肉豬在245日齡之上市體重達116.0 kg,屠宰率為83.1%,里肌肉感官肉色評分2.9,大理石紋1.9。K5母豬與盤克夏、杜洛克或民間大黑公豬配種,經二產次之繁殖,平均分娩總仔數12.1頭,活仔數11.4頭,黑毛比例達95.9%。田間試驗二於本所育種組之試驗場中,選定K6代高畜黑豬之主力種公豬(耳號159-09),以人工授精方式與配33頭杜洛克新女豬,母豬分娩總仔數8.9頭,活仔數7.7頭;仔豬出生體重1.83 kg、21日齡達6.52 kg;仔豬之黑毛比例達99%以上,顯示隨高畜黑豬世代之更新,其黑毛遺傳更為穩定。此DK雜交豬隻在210日齡之公豬(n=5)與女豬(n=11)體重分別為126.0 kg與116.4 kg;平均日增重(ADG)分別為0.70與0.66 kg;公豬之飼料效率為2.9。DK肉豬在213日齡時,上市體重121.6 kg,屠宰率為85.7%;瘦肉率49.6%,腰眼面積31.7 cm^2;背最長肌感官肉色評分2.8,大理石紋指數2.7。田間試驗顯示,以高畜黑豬作為母系豬進行雜交繁殖,確實能展現母豬的高產特性,而雜交後裔之體型與生長性能也獲得改善。


梅山豬 杜洛克豬 黑豬 雜交 性能


After crossbreeding and selection for six generations, the reproductive and growth performances of KHAPS black pigs (K) has been improved steadily. In present study, the commercial reproductive model and performance of K parous sows serving as maternal line was evaluated. Twelve head of K4 and K5 sows were transferred individually to commercial pig farms in 2007 and 2008, respectively. In performance of 1st parity of K4 sows mated with Berkshire boars, the pigs total born was 10.8 and born alive was 9.3; the percentage of black hair was 83.3%. In performance of 2nd parity of K4 sows mated with Duroc boars or crossbred black boars, the pigs total born was 13.6 and born alive was 11.6, and black hair was 87.5%. The average slaughtered weight of K4 × B crossbred pigs was 116.0 kg at 245 days of age, with carcass dressing percentage 83.1%, meat color score 2.9, and marbling score 1.9 in Longissimus dorsi muscle. In performance of two parities of K5 sows mated with Berkshire, Duroc, or crossbred black boars, the pigs total born was 12.1 and born alive was 11.4; the black hair percentage was 95.9%. In the second field test, Duroc gilts were mated with K boar (ear number 159-09), and the pigs total born was 8.9 and born alive was 7.7; the black hair was over 99%. The body weight of D×K crossbred male and female was 126.0 and 116.4 kg at 245 days of age, and ADG was 0.70 and 0.66, respectively. The slaughtered weight of D × K crossbred pigs was 121.6 kg at 213 days of age, with carcass dressing percentage 85.7%, meat color score 2.8, and marbling score 2.7 in Longissimus dorsi muscle. The results of field tests showed that K sows can serve as maternal line and crossbred to reproduce black piglets. Moreover, the body comformation and growth performance of the crossbred offspring can be improved.


Meishan pig Duroc Black pig Crossbreed Performance
