  • 期刊


Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria used as feed additives


本研究之目的在於運用乳酸菌篩選與鑑定技術,自畜產動物體分離出具機能性潛力之乳酸菌,篩選出符合畜禽生產之高潛力乳酸菌菌株,未來供作飼料添加物以提升畜禽生產之效益。本研究由雞糞、雛雞糞、豬糞及雞腸道中,進行乳酸菌之分離純化,利用API ZYM套組來篩選含蛋白質水解或糖解酵素較強之菌株,並藉由16S rDNA定序比對輔以確認菌株身分,分析18株乳酸菌分離株包含Lactobacillus reuteri、Lactobacillus johnsonii、Lactobacillus mucosae、Lactobacillus casei、Lactobacillus salivarius、Pediococcus acidilactici、Pediococcus pentosaceus等,並綜合各項機能性分析,菌株3-2具有較佳耐膽鹽及抑菌能力;菌株5-1、x-1d-2、x-1d-3'具有較佳之酸及抗生素耐受性;菌株C1W2'-2、C1W3'-2具有較佳之膽鹽及抗生素耐受性,可混合不同優勢菌株進行後續發酵量產之試驗。


The objective of this study was to isolate the potential lactic acid bacteria strains with functional properties from animal and further used them as feed additives to promote the benefit in the livestock production. The lactic acid bacteria after isolation from intestinal canal of chicken, feces of chicken and pig were identified by API 50 CHL kits and 38 strains were screened in the experiment. Eighteen isolated LAB strains with higher enzyme activities were further identified as Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus johnsonii, L.b. mucosae, L.b. casei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Pediococcus acidilactici and Pediococcus pentosaceus by full sequence analysis of 16S rDNA and screened for their probiotic properties. Comparing the results obtained from 18 LAB isolates, strain 3-2 had high bile tolerance and antibacterial activity; strain 5-1, x-1d-2 and x-1d-3' had high low pH tolerance and antibiotic resistance; strain C1W2'-2 and C1W3'-2 had high bile tolerance and antibiotic resistance. The findings in this study provided a strong basis for exploring the potential of animal LAB isolates to be used in feeding as probiotic additives.
