  • 期刊


Profitable production of forage crops -sweet sorghum and oat II. Evaluation of forage yield and quality with different crop rotation modes


本試驗的目的為評估我國各地芻料作物輪作模式之甜高粱及燕麥的產量及芻料品質。輪作模式分別為彰化縣福興鄉之A.水稻(Oryza sativa L.)-甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor)-早熟燕麥(Avena strigosa Schreb.)、B.綠肥大豆(Glycine max L.)-甜高粱-晚熟燕麥(Avena sativa L.);臺南市鹽水區之C. 甜高粱-綠肥大豆-青割玉米(Zea mays L.)、D.綠肥大豆-甜高粱-晚熟燕麥;臺東縣鹿野鄉之E.綠肥大豆-水稻-早熟燕麥及F.綠肥大豆-甜高粱-晚熟燕麥。二年三個地區5模式的甜高粱於90日生育期收穫時,平均乾物產量達12.8 mt/ha,水溶性碳水化合物(water soluble carbohydrate, WSC)平均含量為13.2% DM,粗蛋白質(crude protein, CP)平均含量為7.1%,中洗纖維(neutral detergent fiber, NDF)及酸洗纖維(acid detergent fiber, ADF)的平均含量分別為53.9及30.3%。模式A、B、C及D的甜高粱鮮草平均產量介於51.7 - 60.8 mt/ha,顯著高於模式F的29.7 mt/ha (P < 0.05)。各模式之間甜高粱的WSC、NDF及ADF含量無差異。結果顯示甜高粱的產量高且芻料品質穩定,適合作為夏季芻料。晚熟燕麥(var. Swan)於120日收穫時的乾草產量平均為8.9 mt/ha,CP平均含量為8.8%,而NDF及ADF之平均含量分別為60.3及34.9%。模式B及D的乾草產量(8.9及9.2 mt/ha)高於模式F(7.8 mt/ha)。燕麥Swan的CP含量以模式B、F(9.3、9.4%)顯著高於模式D(7.7%),而NDF及ADF含量於各模式之間並無差異。結果顯示燕麥Swan的產量表現佳,芻料品質穩定,適合作為臺灣冬季芻料作物。早熟燕麥(var. Saia)在75日收穫時的平均乾草產量為4.6 mt/ha,CP平均含量達13.3%,而NDF及ADF的平均含量則分別為56.2及34.2%。雖然早熟燕麥Saia的乾草產量較燕麥Swan為低,但其芻料品質優異,可作為高品質的冬季牧草。芻料作物甜高粱及燕麥Swan在各地區不同的輪作模式之下,其產量及品質皆適合作為優良的短期芻料作物。


The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the forage yield and quality of sweet sorghum and oat grown with differed crop rotation modes in various regions in Taiwan. The 6 crop rotation modes were proposed as follows: Changhua region, A. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) - Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) - Precocious Oat 'Saia' (Avena strigosa Schreb.) and B. Manure soybean (Glycine max L.) - Sweet sorghum - Late maturing Oat 'Swan' (Avena sativa L.); Tainan region, C. Sweet sorghum - Manure soybean - Silage corn (Zea mays L.) and D. Manure soybean - Sweet sorghum - Late maturing Oat 'Swan'; Taitung region, E. Manure soybean - Rice- Precocious Oat 'Saia' and F. Manure soybean - Sweet sorghum - Late maturing Oat 'Swan'. The averaged dry matter yield of sweet sorghum for 5 modes in the three regions was 12.8 mt /ha, while the averaged contents of water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) at harvest were 13.2%, 7.1%, 53.9%, and 30.3%, respectively. The fresh yield of sweet sorghum in modes A, B, C and D, ranging from 51.7 to 60.8 mt /ha, were significantly higher than that of mode F, with 29.7 mt /ha (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the contents of WSC, NDF and ADF among the different modes. The results indicated that the forage yield and quality of sweet sorghum were quite good and stable, making it suitable as a summer forage crop. The dry matter yield of late-mature oat 'var. Swan' in average was 8.9 mt/ha, and the average contents of CP, NDF and ADF were 8.8%, 60.3% and 34.9%, respectively. The dry matter yields for oat 'Swan' of mode B and D (8.9 mt/ha and 9.2 mt/ha) were higher than that of mode F (7.8 mt/ha). The CP contents of oat 'Swan' in modes B and F (9.3, 9.4%) were significantly higher than that of mode D (7.7%). There was no difference in the contents of NDF and ADF among the different modes. The results above showed good forage yield and stable quality in oat 'Swan,' making it suitable as a winter forage crop in Taiwan. On the other hand, the dry matter yield of early oats 'var. Saia' in average was 4.6 mt/ha at harvest on the 75th day, and its average content of CP, NDF and ADF was 13.3%, 56.2% and 34.2%, respectively. Although the forage yield of oat 'Saia' was much lower than that of oat 'Swan', Saia may be used as a winter forage crop with high forage quality. It is suggested that both sweet sorghum and oat 'Swan' with high forage yield and quality might be suitable for profitable production of forage under different crop rotation modes in various regions in Taiwan.


Oat Sweet sorghum Forage yield Forage quality Production mode
