  • 期刊


An Analysis of the 2019 Government Procurement Law Amendment - Focusing on the threshold for complaint Review, awarding method, and debarment mechanism


2019年5月22日政府採購法大幅增修了21個條文,堪稱歷年來最大幅度之修法,本文對此次修法之聚焦於三個重點為:廠商之申訴門檻之放寬、最有利標之放寬、停權機制之改革等三大部分。其中申訴門檻在於採購法76條限制公告金額以上始得提出申訴,造成占整體總採購案量百分之54%採購案無法提出申訴,飽受批評。這次修法對採購法76條之申訴限制門檻作了部分之放寬,本文將先對採購法76條所定救濟門檻之修法內容作探討。其次,最有利標(Most Advantageous Tender;MAT)之決標方式,本次之修法也對「最有利標」取消了原採購法52條第2項之「異質採購」之要件。最後,關於停權處分,本文除檢討新法增列『情節重大』及『採購工作及審查小組外』並將一並檢討長期一直被業界批評之停權規範對大學之研究案,及大型工程顧問公司是否有過於嚴苛之弊,本次修法是否已有妥適之修正,本文也一併檢討之。


The Government Procurement Law were revised on May 22, 2019, there are three observations on the amendment of this law: the reform of the suspension mechanism , to extend the limitation of the manufacturer's appeal and the most advantageous tender (MAT). the appeal threshold of Article 76 of the Purchasing Law limited the amount of appeal before, and resulting in 54% of the total procurement cases. The limitation of the manufacturer's appeal is changed .This article discusses the revised rules of Article 76 of the Government Procurement Law on the first. Secondly, the most advantageous tender (MAT) awarding method, this amendment also adopts the "most advantageous bid" method to cancel the "procurement of different quality "requirements of Article 52, paragraph 2 of the original procurement law. In addition, the debarment mechanism which operated too harshly has been criticized in the past. It were revised on May 22, 2019. This article will also review it.
