  • 期刊


An Assessment of Applying Programming to Innovative Computer Software Instruction




Computer is a course required of college engineering education. Almost all departments, including humanities, law, business, engineering and agriculture, offer computer courses. Instructional content design, though based mainly on standard course outline, is subject to the needs of individual departments. As a result, instructional content can be different from one department. to another. Whether the content offered by a department can enhance students' understanding is an issue worth discussing. As far as the job market is concerned, computer literacy can add to students' market advantage. A semester-wide 18-week computer course is designed for majors of electrical engineering and electronic engineering. Students firstly receive training related to the equation compiler in Microsoft Word. Then, VISIO for engineering drawing is offered to students. Students are taught how to draw electrical circuit component and flow and complete an engineering illustration and practical electrical circuitry. Thirdly, on the basis of MATLAB, a contemporary engineering software, related syntax and corresponding application to engineering is employed to teach students. Finally, the three instructional contents are integrated for paper completion and result assessment.


Computer course Microsoft Word VISIO MATLAB Paper completion


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