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Recreational amenities for elderly people with intellectual disabilities: An introduction to the healing garden at Nantou Education and Nursing Institute of Ministry of Health and Welfare


隨著醫療的進步,智能障礙者的壽命也逐漸增長,然而智能障礙者相對於一般人似乎有提早老化的趨勢(World Health Organization [WHO], 2000)。在面臨老化時,他們特殊的需求需要被關注。衛生福利部南投啟智教養院呼應世界衛生組織對促進高齡智障者健康老化的服務建議,針對逐漸老化的服務對象創設一結合自然環境與五感體驗的益康庭園,庭園內同時設有「嗅覺體驗放鬆椅」、「足下觸覺步道」、「下肢運動軌道椅」、「草毯區」、「聽覺饗宴平台」、「手壓唧筒泡腳池」、「抬高式種植床」及「健行步道及其設施」等設施設備,期能藉此協助逐漸高齡的智能障礙者促進身體運動、心理健康、社會互動與維持認知功能的休閒行為,進而提升對高齡智能障礙者之照護品質。


Improvements in medical treatments have facilitated an increase in the life expectancy of people with intellectual disabilities, however, people with intellectual disabilities still seem aging faster than normal people (World Health Organization [WHO], 2000). When getting older, the special needs of people with intellectual disabilities should be met. Based on the WHO's recommendations for services for elderly people with intellectual disabilities, Nantou Education and Nursing Institute of Ministry of Health and Welfare (NENIMHW), which takes care of people with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, had established a healing garden with recreational amenities to help residents healthy aging. The main areas with recreational function are "calming chair area", "tactile walkway area", "rail chair area", "grass relaxation area", "feast-for-ears area", "raised beds area", "hand-pumped foot spa area", and "walking path area". These recreational amenities were designed to enhance or maintain physical movements, positive emotions, cognitive abilities, and social interactions of elderly people with intellectual disabilities. By establishing the recreational healing garden, NENIMHW improved the quality of care for the elderly residents with intellectual disabilities.


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