  • 會議論文


Problems and Measures to Cope with "Teachers, Texts, and Learning Management" of Chinese Language Learning in Thailand


随着“一带一路”的提出、“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的推进,中国与东南亚国家的合作与交流越来越密切。在中泰政府及教育界的积极促动下, 在泰汉语教育事业的发展取得了较好成绩。在泰国,汉语教育受到了上层建筑和社会大众共同的欢迎,泰国政府极力推广汉语教学,社会大众汉语学习热情高涨。然而,目前在国际汉语教育整体形势大好的情况下,在泰汉语教学仍然存在几个亟待解决的问题。最突出的三个问题,便是“教师、教材、教法”,即:一是教师资源分配不均匀、教师素质水平层次不齐、高水平教师数量不能满足当今社会需求;二是缺少专门针对泰国学习者的系列教材;三是,教学教法没有考虑泰国学习者的特性,课堂氛围欠缺、教学效果一般。


According to the initiative of "Belt and Road initiative" Policy to enhance advancement of the "21st Century Silk Road", China and some ASEAN countries have increasingly had tightened cooperation and communication. Under serious promotion on education of both Thai and Chinese government, it leads to effectiveness of Chinese language learning in Thailand. Chinese language learning management in Thailand has been highly preferred and Thai government also promotes Chinese language learning seriously helping to increase the number of Chinese language learners. However, although overall situation of Chinese language learning management in Thailand tends to be better, there are several problems on Chinese language learning management that must be solved. These problems consist of three outstanding problems, i.e., teachers, texts, and teaching methods. The firs problem consists of the lack of teachers in some areas, low quality teachers, and insufficient quality teachers. The second problem consists of the lack of appropriate texts for Thai learners. The third problem consists of teaching methods that fails to focus on characteristics of learners, lack of good classroom atmosphere, and moderate learning results.
