  • 學位論文


A Study of Chinese Characters Learning Materials for Adult Learners in Thailand

指導教授 : 信世昌


對於泰國華語學習者來說,「漢字」是最難學習的部分。由於中文與泰文的文字系統不同,加上缺乏正確的教學方式,使泰國學習者難以掌握漢字的刑、音、義這的結合,造成漢字學習的困難。 近幾年來,泰國市場上有許多華語教材讓學習者可以自由選擇及購買來學習,包括綜合教材(包含聽、說、讀、寫四個技能)、單獨教對話技能的教材以及單獨教漢字的教材,其中漢字教材的數量及種類最多。 本研究的目的,希望從目前現有的漢字教材分析泰國漢字教學的現況,找出教材的優缺點,對學習者有哪些影響或幫助,教師該怎麼使用教材進行課堂活動,或者學習者能否可以自己學習漢字? 本研究之過程,首先做泰國漢字教學現況調查,利用問卷調查和訪談的方式,瞭解泰國華語及漢字教學的情況。接著,將泰國市面上現有的華語教材,針對漢字教學的部分更深入的探討泰國漢字教學的現況,分析教材的特色、編寫原則、教學對象、教學法、教材的內容、編排方式及字詞選用的情形。 最後,根據上述的研究結果,設計出針對泰國社會人士的漢字教材,並提供教學建議,希望對泰國華語教學者及漢字教材編寫者有所幫助。


For Thai student, Chinese characters is the most complicated and hardest part in learning Chinese. Due to the big difference between Chinese and Thai writing system, It makes Thai students hard to understand the combination of “shape”, “sound”, and “meaning” of Chinese characters. In recent years, there are many self-learning textbooks available in Thai market, including comprehensive teaching materials (including listening, speaking,reading, and writing), Chinese conversation textbooks, Chinese character textbooks, and etc. Among these materials, the Chinese charactors textbooks are the most versatile and numerous. The purpose of this research is to analyze the current situation of Chinese characters teaching from the existing Chinese textbooks and to find out the advantages and disadvantages of these textbooks. In addition, this research also indicates how these materials influence the students, how to use the teaching materials for classroom activities, or whether the students can learn by themselves? The process of this research starts from surveying Chinese character teaching in Thailand by giving questionnaires and interviewing teachers. After that Chinese textbooks and Chinese characters textbooks had been explored and analyzed. This research focuses on Chinese characters teaching, characteristics of the teaching materials, design concept, target student of textbooks, teaching methods, teaching materials, choice of words, and etc. Finally, according to the above research results, the author has designed the Chinese character teaching materials for Thai people and provided the teaching suggestions for future research. The author hopes this research will be useful for Chinese language teachers, Chinese textbook writers, and the other interested general public.


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