  • 學位論文


A Study on Chinese Teaching Radicals and Components for College Student of Thailand

指導教授 : 信世昌


本研究的目的為探查泰國大學生習寫中文字之情況,以漢字教學學法中的部件教學法為主要的教學研究設定,並從客觀的角度探究泰國大學生學習漢字時的疑難雜症,部件教學法可視為多樣漢字學習法中較為能幫助外籍學生記憶漢字的教學法,除了部件的認知過程,字源的分析外,亦有匡正及修正學生學習漢字時的偏誤及遺漏筆畫之問題。 研究者基於泰國開放各皇家師範大學華文教學不到十年的時間,有感於漢字教學逐漸受到重視,學習漢語的風氣在曼谷有蓬勃發展的現象,漢字教學的相關課程如雨後春筍般的出現,但記憶漢字對泰籍學生來說始終是個學習難點,學習者面臨想學卻學不起來的窘況,因此本研究為泰國華語文教育環境下對漢字學習概念的初探,志在拋磚引玉,以得其研究者之興趣。 本研究的過程分為需求分析研究,搜集整理相關文獻資料,分析問題結果,進行課程設計,結論。研究對象有兩組,一是泰國公私立任教的華語教師,二是研究者所指導的漢字學習者,研究過程探討泰國教育環境對中文學習者在習字方面的需求研究,並探討漢字部件的教學課程對學生辨識中文字上的幫助,研究範圍涵蓋第一語言和第二語言教學法的文字教學理論,並針對較適用於外籍生部件教學法來分析,研究方法為文獻分析法(Documentary Analysis)、內容分析法(Content Analysis Research)以及調查研究法(Survey Research)。 研究結果發現許多泰國學生習寫漢字的難點,例如書寫辨識上出現授母語遷移之符號化現象,泰國第二語學習者在書寫中文上易發生的情形為「母語遷移」、「部件辨識不清」、「學習記憶問題」、「漢字偏誤的情形」。研究者根據研究結果設計相關初級漢字部件教學課程,以符合在泰地區漢字書寫和辨識需求,另外本項研究希冀能作為泰籍學習者外相關第二語言學習者的學習參考模式,也提供第二語言教學的華語教師一項教學指南。


The study focuses on Chinese radical and character component concepts. The second language learners in Thailand acquire Chinese characters without Chinese culture background. It’s difficult to them to understand the relationship between Character itself and radicals, also called Chinese Character Components. In the thesis will discuss visual recognition of Character structure, such us Chinese radicals、component position and meaning. Chinese radicals teaching is one of character teaching methods effectively to help writing problems to the second language learner. It improves errors to writing and missing strokes, also assisting memorize characters. The study goal is researching the writing condition of both teachers and learners in order to set a level curriculum for Thai second language learners. Chinese character acquisition is one of important skills for learning “Huayu”, one kind of Chinese language, also named Mandarin. This language has been spoken and written more than three thousand years by Chinese people , now it’s going to popular to the world under the global economic policy. Many countries language policy just encourage their nationals to study Huayu, included Thailand and other Asia countries. The situation makes Chinese characters must be quickly memorized and comprehend by learnrs.However, to the Second language learner that’s a very complicated work to them cause of character structure, also a challenge to the language teachers. Teachers have to develop more effective teaching methods to the Second language learn with radical cognition. The study set up three research methods: Documentary Analysis、Content Analysis Research、Survey Research. Two research objects in this study, one is Mandarin language teacher experience with international school and college, the other is the student of Thailand College. The research process discusses the education environment to Chinese language learner, especially in writing needs. Researches filed are First language and Second Language. The result points out several learning issues to the Thailand students, such as language transfer、memorizing skills、radical cognition、and Chinese character writing errors . The study and curriculum plan suffer a model to who wants to take part in teaching Chinese as Second Language.


Learning Chinese Characters)。台北: 師大書苑。


黃佛明(2012)。針對泰國漢語學習者之 書法教學實施研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315282752
