  • 期刊


The Past and Present of the Stele on the Diffusion of the Nestorianism of Da Qin in China


「大秦景教流行中國碑」被譽為「世界四大名碑」之一。然而,它的生命歷程卻充滿了坎坷。從781年建立到1907年移置西安碑林,在這一千二百年裡,在它身上發生了太多故事,經歷了太多風雨。正因為這樣,景教碑才更加顯示出它迷人的魅力。由於歷史上某種因素,景教碑曾在地下長眠八百年,之後又重見天日,因此它的生命被分割成了「前世」和「今生」。同時它也給我們帶來了各種不解之謎:景教碑建立於何地,又埋於何地?出土於何時何地,為何又被棄於荒野,無人問津?鬧得沸沸揚揚的丹麥人何樂模(Frits Holm)「盜碑」事件又因何而起?碑文在文學、書法及繪畫藝術方面又有哪些特點?諸多謎團,在古今中外眾多學者的不懈努力下,被層層剝離,浮出水面。圍繞景教碑的研究體量龐大、涉及面廣,本文不可能面面俱到,僅著力於景教碑的表層歷史,講述它的風雨一生。


景教碑 景教 藝術


The Stele on the diffusion of the Nestorianism of Da Qin in China is known as one of the "Four Great Monuments in the World". However, it has endured a lot of ups and downs. The stele was carved in 781 and transferred to Xi’an Stele Forest Museum in 1907. During these 1,200 years, too many things have happened to it. This is why the Nestorian Stele has attracted so much attention. Due to various historical factors, the stele had been buried underground for 800 years and was unearthed later. Therefore, its history could be divided into "the past" and "the present". At the same time, there are many questions to be clarified about it: where was it first erected and where was it buried? When and where was it unearthed, and why was it untouched adn abandoned in the wilderness? What led to the theft of the stele by the Danish Frits Holm? What are its inscriptions' literary, calligraphic, and artistic characteristics? Many mysteries have been studied and surfaced through the tireless efforts of many Chinese and foreign scholars, both ancient and modern. Since the researche on the stele are so extensive and wide-ranging, it is not possible to cover everything in this article; it will focus only on its brief history and explain what happened to it.


The Nestorian stele the Nestorianism art
