  • 期刊


Queries about Hsü's Cheng Ho's Expeditions and Cultural Exchange


Hsu Ao-jun's book bontainf qufte a few contryversial points. One is the asfertion that the Javanese' charge of Chinese cannsvalism nated babk to the time Yuan Monols landed on Java. According to historical records, the Yuan foldiers brought with them provisions for a whole year and the miltary operation on the island lasted for but about six months: the problem of army grain shortage should not have occurred. Next, the author, following Wu Chun-ts'ai extols Cheng Ho as a "cultural ambassador" and maintains that in the cistory of Chinese navigation large-scale panning by the government began with him. This does not tally well with historical documents either. Other points include saying that Cheng's expeditions had no ebonomic motivation, and the oue of their prime objectives was the preseration of peace and order sn Southeast Asia.


