  • 會議論文

傳記之前設敘述的可能:以威爾.布魯克爾的《如同大衛.鮑伊般活著》之計畫為例探討「實作即研究」(Practice as Research)的概念

A Potential Ante-narrative of Biography: Taking Will Brooker's Project "Living Life as David Bowie" as an Example to Explore the Concept of Practice as Research


在此論文中,筆者應用「實作即研究」(Practice as Research, 簡稱PaR)概念來探究某種潛在的動能,這是當使用PaR方法來進行表演藝術研究之文獻回顧時會發生的動能。PaR一詞是指實作本身可以被視為一種研究方法,而且其產出之知識是跟科學和社會科學領域裡的研究有著同等的價值。相對於傳統上收集、閱讀和分析關於被研究對象(亦即藝術家和其作品)之寫作檔案,筆者認為PaR似乎要求研究者活在藝術家的生命裡面。由此,無法被任何形式記錄下來的新發現或許能夠在實作的過程中被顯現出來。為了印證此一想法,筆者採用威爾.布魯克爾(Will Brooker)教授的計畫《如同大衛.鮑伊(David Bowie)般活著》作為研究個案。這是個很恰當的例子,因為布魯克爾教授在非常細節的程度上將自身轉換成國際巨星大衛.鮑伊的形象,例如吃鮑伊曾經吃過的飲食、增胖或減肥成為其有過的體重、讀其曾經讀過的書本、做出其曾經慣有的舉止等等。根據筆者和布魯克爾教授的訪談,這位學者是深度地沉浸自身於鮑伊的生命裡面,由此而遇見大衛.瓊斯(也就是這位國際巨星的本名)、發現在任何論述記載上沒有看到過的鮑伊。從訪談中,筆者覺得有一種鮑伊之傳記的前設敘述(antenarrative)浮現在布魯克爾教授的計畫裡。筆者是指,布魯克爾教授的扮演模糊了鮑伊的輪廓,並且將之帶向了未知。然而,這未知卻是此一研究計畫所根本必備的要素,因為這未知提供了布魯克爾教授某種時空能力去遊盪於過往和後續、去穿梭於潛藏之事物底下。這位學者似乎是來到了某種生死交際的時刻;在那些時刻中,隱匿的反而成為清晰的。換句話說,其行動暗示了某種秩序之前的、而不是之後的事物。於是,PaR暗示主客體的動態合一與共存。如同上述的研究個案所示,布魯克爾教授的扮演並不是意圖去再現鮑伊這個角色在真實世界裡。這些行動應該說是帶來了布魯克爾教授和鮑伊之間的某種操演性的相遇(performative encounters)-亦即,當研究者 遭遇其研究材料時,兩者是成為共同表演者來一起發展創造性的作品。


In this paper the author applies the concept of Practice as Research (PaR) to interrogate certain potential dynamics that occur when a person uses PaR as a way to conduct a literature review in studies in performing arts. The term PaR means that practice itself is seen as a research method and its knowledge has equivalent value with researches in scientific and socio-scientific fields. In contrast to traditionally collecting, reading, and analyzing written documents about the observed object, namely, artists and their works, the author suggests that PaR seems to require a researcher to live inside the life of artists. In order to prove the suggestion, the author employs Professor Will Brooker's project 'Living Life as David Bowie' as a case study. The project is proper because Professor Brooker transformed himself into the persona of 'David Bowie' (an international superstar) in very serious detail, such as through the diet, weight, books, and behaviors that Bowie had. According to the author's interview with Professor Brooker, this scholar immersed himself into the life of Bowie and had since then met the singer (whose real name is David Jones). He recognized that through immersion he found something that he had never seen in any descriptions about Bowie before. The author argues that there is a sense of antenarrative of Bowie's biography emerging in Professor Brooker's project. Professor Brooker's acting blurs the outline of Bowie and leads into something unknown. However, the unknown is prerequisite for the project, as it provides Professor Brooker certain abilities to travel in-between going and coming, and beneath potentialities, spatiotemporally. The scholar seemed to be in front of moments of the hereafter, wherein the latent comes into clearer. In other words, Professor Brooker's acting indicates something before order, rather than after order. Therefore, PaR shows the dynamic integration and symbiosis of the observing subject and the observed object. As the case study implies, Professor Brooker's acting does not aim to represent the character of Bowie in the real world. The acting brings to the performative encounters between Professor Brooker and Bowie through which the researcher and his research materials become co-performers to develop a creative work together.
