  • 會議論文


Exploring the creation of emotional healing from sensory experience design - Take the visual experience " Take the pulse for emotion" as an example


近年來,現代人因各層面的壓力繁多,使得生活忙碌緊張,不但危害人們的身心健康、產生情緒方面的困擾,也導致許多心理問題在社會中衍然而生。美國心理學家大衛巴洛(David H. Barlow)表示,迴避負向情緒雖能在短期內讓人感到比較舒適,但長期壓抑或逃避面對真實感受則會產生更嚴重的心理問題。因此,認識情緒成為一項現代人不得不重視的重要議題。本研究將情緒進行視覺化,以五感體驗的視覺表現為主軸,透過手工MP皂的製作方式作為創作手法,先依據Robert Plutchik提出的情緒輪(Emotion Wheel)理論及Dacher Keltner團隊定義的情緒理論進行疊加後,再以27種情緒所分配之皂用染色液及珠光粉作為主要媒材增加顏色的多樣性,最後依據情緒的情感組合進行色彩混合化。本研究期望透過創作讓人們能重新認識情緒,接受每一種情緒的真實模樣,並達到自我療癒的效果。


Understanding emotions has become an important issue that modern people must pay attention to. Modern people are under a lot of pressure in all aspects, making life busy and stressful, which not only endangers people's physical and mental health and creates emotional distress, but also leads to the emergence of many psychological problems in society. American psychologist David H. Barlow points out that while avoiding negative emotions can make people feel more comfortable in the short term, repressing feelings over time can lead to more serious psychological problems. This study visualizes emotions and uses the visual representation of the five senses of experience as the basis for the creation of a handmade MP soap making method. Soap dye and mica powder are used as the main materials to add visual variation and color diversity, and finally the colors are mixed according to the combination of emotions. Through creation, this study hopes to allow people to reconnect with their emotions, accept each emotion as it is, and achieve self-healing.
