  • 學位論文


By analyzing the readers group of picture books to see the promotion of picture books from public libraries

指導教授 : 謝寶煖


近年繪本在台灣的發展不論是出版或者銷售,均呈現蓬勃氣象,本研究透過深度訪談,解析繪本閱讀族群的樣貌、閱讀動機、閱讀經驗與感受,同時探討成人閱讀繪本的觀點以及對圖書館舉辦繪本閱讀活動的看法等,研究結果可提供國內公共圖書館推展繪本閱讀活動之參考。本研究以立意抽樣方式,分別從公共圖書館、書店和繪本部落格中選取願意接受訪談的繪本閱讀者;三類受訪者各為六至七名,共計十九位受訪者。 研究結果發現繪本閱讀者以育有幼童的女性為多;故其閱讀的動機多因子女而起,進而成為自己的喜好。受訪者接觸繪本的時間點主要為就學、生育、以及工作。受訪者普遍認為繪本各項組成元素皆能激發閱讀者感受,亦能激發閱讀者的想像力、創造力、視野的拓展、與心靈的成長。在繪本閱讀上,其偏好類型與挑選依據是非常個人化的,相關資訊的推薦管道也呈現多元。雖然受訪者本身喜好閱讀繪本,但是積極參與相關議題的討論者並不多見。影響受訪者繪本購買意願的主要因素為價格;影響圖書館繪本借閱意願的主要因素為館藏不豐與外觀破舊。在圖書館舉辦繪本閱讀活動方面,此類活動頗受肯定,但受訪者的時間或者興致因素會影響到對該類活動的參與情形。受訪者認為繪本網站討論區提供他們相當豐富的資訊;繪本部落格的設立,對版主而言是利人利己、彼此互惠的行為。 本研究針對公共圖書館向繪本閱讀者推展繪本閱讀活動提出三方面的建議。在推廣對象上,圖書館可主動邀請繪本主要閱讀者參與活動,同時對其個別需求進行調查;並以繪本協助台灣新移民進行語文學習與文化認識。在繪本館藏部分,宜加速繪本館藏購買之流程,並對借閱率高的繪本增購複本;繪本館藏的外觀應多加維護,以提高借閱意願;適合成人閱讀之繪本可同時放置於成人書籍區或改以其他方式陳列;圖書館在建立館藏及主題式書單時可參酌學者專家意見、或者繪本網站及部落格;同時可建立繪本館藏分級制度;另建議非都會區的公共圖書館宜加強繪本館藏的充實,並多觀摩都會區公共圖書館繪本閱讀推廣活動。對推廣活動的建議方面,應針對不同繪本閱讀族群設計適合的講座及課程;可邀請繪本出版社、創作者、以及有研究之個人舉辦講座,並於圖書館刊物上發表文章,增進讀者及館員對繪本的認知;並建立繪本部落格,做為資訊推廣與意見交流的管道;推廣方式可更多樣化,結合讀者的週休休閒生活,以及主動向國中小老師介紹繪本在各領域的應用;以推廣本土繪本作家作品的方式,鼓勵其創作。


Picture books have seen a prosperous trend in both publishing and sales in the past decades. This study adopts an in-depth interviewing method, and aims to analyze respects and related activities of picture books, including the components of the readers’ group, the motivations and purposes of reading origination, the experiences and sensations spurred by reading, the viewpoints of adult readers, the way people feel about the promotion activities held by the local public libraries. The results from above-mentioned analyses, hopefully, can serve as a valid reference for the local public libraries when they carry out next-time promotion campaigns on picture books. Through purposed sampling I choose adult picture-books readers and divide them into three categories as follows: the picture-books lenders from local public libraries, the frequent browsers and buyers of picture-books zone at bookstores, and active participants of related Web sites and blogs. Each category comprises 6 to 7 persons, with a total of 19 interviewees. The study infers a larger proportion of the readers of picture books are females with young kids. These women often acquire their own picture-books reading hobby after reading to their children in the first place. When asked about the major time points that they were first exposed to picture books, three popular answers are being at school, pregnancy and entering the work market. Each and every components of a picture book not only activate the feelings from the readers, but spur their imagination, strengthen their creativity and expand their outlooks. Regarding reading, the preferred types and tastes are individualized, and the channels of recommendation on relevant information diverge. Among those who love reading picture books, few take actions in joining the discussion on associated issues. Among the interviewees, when deciding on buying a picture book, price is the dominating factor, whereas as they decide whether to lend a picture book from the library, a barely sufficient stock and bad-shaped book covers are two major factors to consider. As for picture-books promotion activities held in the library, most readers give that a high credit, while the effect of such an activity depends on the availability or interest of the readers. The interviewees think the discussion boards of a Web site provide ample knowledge and information on picture books. For the bloggers, setting up a blog on picture books can be beneficial and reciprocating. This study provides three suggestions as regards to the picture books activities held by public libraries. First, concerning the participants, the library may invite the target audience to join in the activity, while investigate the specific needs of these participants. Additionally, libraries ought to make better use of available picture books to help the immigrants to learn the language as well as the culture in Taiwan. Secondly, the reservoir and stocks in a library should be better attended to. A library is supposed to speed the acquisition procedure, add duplicates for those most popular with lenders, take good care of the book covers, so as to strengthen the willingness of these regular readers. A library should also place those picture books that are intended for adult readers in the general books zone and the children’s books zone simultaneously, or make different arrangements when display. Moreover, when purchasing new books and building the subject book lists, the library may refer to the help and opinions from experts and scholars of the field. Those relevant Web sites or blogs are also valuable information for libraries. In the meantime, the picture books classifying system is recommended for the library. Besides, we suggest non-urban public libraries pay more attention to the quantity and quality on the purchase of picture books, as well as emulate the picture-books promotion activities by the urban-area public libraries. Finally, as regards to the promotion activities, forums or classes should be specifically designed to accommodate different reading groups. Take for instance, renowned publishing companies, authors and persons who have expertise in the field are good choices for forum invitees, lecturers. They can be encouraged to deliver articles on library periodicals to promote librarians and readers’ knowledge of picture books. Blogs on picture books built by libraries are a good forum for the exchange of information and opinions from readers. Concerning the promotion or publicity, libraries may devise diverse approaches, such as readjusting to the weekend styles of today’s readers, and taking initiative on introducing the application to primary school teachers. The library may introduce the production of local illustrators and authors through the promotion activity to encourage more and better creative works.




