  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the International Competitiveness of Taiwan’s Cultural & Creative Industries

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


2000年至2005年間,英、美等西方國家創意產品與服務貿易平均成長高達8.7%,發展成為GDP、就業及出口的重要組成部分。而亞洲地區無論日本、韓國、中國、泰國、新加坡等國也逐年成長,各方對文化創意產業未來的發展愈來愈重視。 台灣的專長是生產製造的效率與價格的競爭力,多數產業並未擺脫微利經營的風險。金磚四國崛起讓台灣產業優勢大不如前,將來想繼續將成果留在家裡,除了產業升級,沒有第二條路。基於這個理由,政府在政策上積極推廣知識經濟的概念,試圖打造已開發國家的產業發展條件,輔導企業朝創造高附加價值的產業方向轉型。於是,2002年宣示產業升級,邁向智慧經濟,推動文化創意產業列車蓄勢待發,準備好了。 然而文化創意產業雖然被冠上產業之名,但無論結構、型態、組織或是獲利模式,與過去我們所瞭解的產業有很大的差別。如此氛圍中台灣能夠開創多少投資價值始終難以估計,擬藉由產品貿易進出口數字的變動窺知一二,建立台灣文化創意產業國際競爭的優劣勢狀態的概念。此外,我們在學校中學到活用數字對行銷管理與企業策略的重要意義,因此嘗試運用理論進行指數化工作,看看這些數字還告訴了我們哪些重要的訊息。


Between year 2000 and 2005, creative products and services traded to overseas increased about 8.7% in the Britain, the United States and some other western countries. Those contributions have been becoming major components for GDP, employment and exporting development for those countries. Asian countries including Japan, South Korea, China, Thailand, Singapore are also growing year by year. Most of the countries are expecting more development contributed from the cultural and creative industries in the future. Taiwan's manufacturing capabilities are “productive efficiency” and “price competitiveness”, the majority of industries are still running with the risk of low profit, then the rise of BRIC has been watered down to allow Taiwan's industrial advantages. The only choice is to make industries upgraded. For this reason, Taiwan government tried to promote the concept of knowledge-based economy, made better conditions for counseling companies towards the high value-added industries. Thus, announced to start promoting cultural and creative industries in 2002. The cultural and creative industries with named “industry”, however compare to the other industries it has different structure, ideology, organization and profit model. We are curiosity the value of investment could be created in Taiwan somehow, then would like to tell the fact from the custom import and export numbers of the past years Eestablish the concept of internationally competitive sectors of Taiwan's cultural and creative industries. Besides, we learned in school how numbers are so important for the marketing management and the business strategy fields, so apply theories to make indices to tell more stories contented in the trading numbers.


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