  • 學位論文

運動涉入、善因行銷與運動贊助的 結構關係模型分析

A Structural Equation Modeling of Sport Involvement, Cause-Related Marketing, and Sport Sponsorship

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


隨著國內運動風氣日漸盛行,路跑運動推廣日趨普及,路跑賽事在國內近幾年呈現爆炸性的成長,幾乎一年當中每個禮拜都會有2-3場路跑賽事在全台各地舉行。另外在原本既有的產業分類中,也新劃分出了所謂的運動服務業,且從該業內的廠商陸續林立可見,運動的經濟產值是深具潛力的。在企業界,運動贊助也已成為現代行銷的主要溝通工具之一,原因主要是因為運動可以跨國家、文化背景、社會階層等。 國內外許多文獻皆指出,運動贊助可以有效提升企業品牌知名度、建立或改善企業形象,進一步的影響消費者的購買行為。箇中的原因在近期的研究中指出,主要是因為消費者在接收贊助訊息時,造成活動形象移轉到企業形象的緣故。而移轉效果的強弱也有許多種不同的原因與相關研究。但以消費者自身運動涉入為出發點來探討運動贊助效果仍相對欠缺,另外搭配目前盛行的社會企業責任議題,本研究採時下最風行的路跑運動為標的,並以運動涉入與善因行銷結合的觀點,運用結構方程模式LISREL軟體,去探討公益路跑運動贊助對於企業形象改變的效果為何。 研究結果發現,消費者自身對跑步的運動涉入程度與活動本身之公益性質所促成的利他動機,皆顯著的影響消費者在完賽後,心理層面所獲得的價值感知。而這些正面價值感知在賽後也可充份的移轉到企業形象上,達到影響消費者購買意願的效果。 再依據最後實證結果,本研究發展了針對未來企業欲進行公益路跑賽贊助的策略建議,以提高企業的贊助成效。


With the growing popularity of the domestic sports culture, road running events have a booming growth in recent years. Almost every week there are 2-3 road race events held all over Taiwan. In the original classification of the existing industry, but also a new division of a so-called sport services. In the business world, corporations sponsor sports event has become the main tool of modern marketing communication. Because sports can cross over the country, culture, age, gender and social class. Many previous findings show that sports sponsorship could effectively enhance brand awareness, build or improve corporate image, further influence consumer buying behavior. However, from the consumer's own sport involvement’s view to explore the effect of sports sponsorship is still relatively lacking. Another mix of the current prevailing CSR issues, the purpose of the research is to discuss the possible factors that will influence the corporate image change and sport involvement. This research will take the PTT road running club, Taiwan's largest road race society, as the sample of a questionnaire survey. After the analysis with LISREL method, we found that: (1) Consumers’ intensity of sport involvement and altruistic motivation both significantly affect consumers’ psychological value perceptions after the game finished. (2) These positive values can be fully migrated to corporate image, and to achieve the effect of impact on consumer purchase intention. Finally, according to the empirical results, this research developed some market implications for business, recommendations to improve the effectiveness of corporate sponsorship, and provide further research implications for the future researchers.


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