  • 學位論文


MNCs and Cause-Related Marketing: An Analysis of Consumer Perspectives

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


企業之公益行銷活動(CRM)在全球已行之有年,而國內此潮流之濫觴乃由跨國企業率風氣之先,並樹立了企業家良好的道德典範。然而,跨國企業結合非營利組織之公益活動對消費者購買意願有何影響,在國內外之文獻研究甚少著墨。因此本研究以LISREL結構模型分析並化成問卷形式來探討消費者之觀點,試圖找出其中之因果關係。研究結果如下: 1.產品所能帶給消費者的價值是主要影響消費者對產品態度的因素,也明顯影響了消費者的購買意願。而跨國企業本身的形象、在地化程度不會對消費者的態度有明顯的影響。 2.跨國企業與非營利組織的合作密切度會影響消費者對產品的態度,而活動整體之配適程度,並不會對消費者的態度有明顯的影響。 3.當地主義情結在全球化的潮流下,已不是影響消費者購買意願的因素。 4.消費者對跨國企業參與公益活動的態度與消費者本身的公益參與程度並不會對CRM產生明顯的影響。


Cause-related marketing (CRM), a commercial partnership between a charity or non-profit organization (NPO) and a company that associates a charity’s logo with a brand, product or service, has become prevalent internationally in the last 20 years as a means to both encourage product sales and raise funds for charities. In Taiwan, the trend originated with multinational corporations (MNCs), most of which were already practicing CRM in their home or base countries. While some of the literature has addressed what factors affect consumer views of CRM campaigns and how those factors further affect consumers’ intent to purchase, few have examined MNCs as a distinct group. In my research, I have chosen to analyze the factors influencing consumer views of MNCs’ CRM, and have investigated the causal relationship between those factors and consumers’ intent to purchase using the LISREL analysis model and a questionnaire survey. Research results were as follows: 1.The value that a product can bring to consumers is the critical factor affecting consumer attitudes toward the product, and it also significantly affects consumers’ intent to purchase. The image and degree of localization of a MNC itself do not significantly influence consumer attitudes. 2.An MNC’s closeness with an NPO affects consumer attitudes toward the product, but the alliance fitness does not have significant impact on consumer attitudes toward the product. 3.Consumer ethnocentrism is not a factor that significantly influences purchasing intention. This may be due to the trend of globalization in the world economy. 4.Consumer attitudes toward MNCs’ engaging in CRM and the orientation of a consumer’s philanthropic participation do not significantly impact the success of CRM efforts.


Cause-related marketing NPO philanthropy MNCs


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許原豪(2013)。運動涉入、善因行銷與運動贊助的 結構關係模型分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.00054
