  • 學位論文


Using Means-End Approaches to Understand the Experiential Value of Mountaineering and Hiking

指導教授 : 陳惠美


台灣登山活動發展的種類繁多,包含攀岩、登山與健行等,由於活動間的環境設施、裝備與困難度有所差異。然而進行活動選擇時,受訪者會根據活動與環境屬性所帶來的體驗結果與價值做為判斷依據,做出最後決策。因此,本研究藉由方法目的鏈理論來探討健行者與登山者之價值認知過程,以了解健行者與登山者從事活動所獲得的立即效益,以及他們重視的活動屬性,並建立活動屬性-結果-價值的階級關係,作為推廣健行與登山活動之依據。 本研究選擇99年2月25日至3月11日在陽明山國家公園的七星山主峰路線邀請健行者參與研究,而99年3月27日至3月28則在雪霸國家公園雪山登山口邀請登山客參與研究。於研究地點請受訪者填寫基本資料與參與行為的問卷,之後將各組參與者資料造冊,參考過去研究健行者年齡分布比例抽樣,經過約1至2個星期進行電話訪談,其健行與登山活動受訪者各為40位。訪談內容主要詢問吸引受訪者參與健行活動的屬性或特性,之後根據受訪者所提出之屬性進行問題追問。 研究結果顯示,健行者與登山者相同之屬性為「步道特性」與「社交活動」,健行者另外還有「自然景緻」、「新鮮空氣」、「體能活動」及「可及性」等,登山者則是「特殊景緻」、「景觀優美」、「天氣狀況」等。在結果類目方面,相同的類目有「運動健身」、「正面情緒」、「壓力調適」、「支持關係」、「挑戰訓練」等五項,健行者還包含了「學習經驗」,登山者則有「獲得成就」、「尊敬自然」、「風險知覺」等。價值的部分,相同的類目為「健康」、「美好生活」、「自我實現」、「社會支持」等五項,另外健行者也包含「自我成長」,登山者則為「珍貴回憶」與「環境倫理」。 以提及的關係次數比較,發現健行者較重視「美好生活」與「健康」之價值,其結果來自於「正面情緒」、「壓力調適」與「運動健身」,屬行則來自於「步道特性」、「自然景緻」、「體能活動」與「新鮮空氣」。而登山者重視的價值則是「自我實現」與「環境倫理」,其結果來源「尊敬自然」、「正面情緒」、「挑戰訓練」與「壓力調適」,屬性則為「步道特性」、「特殊景緻」、「風景優美」與「天氣狀況」。因此追朔兩組參與者的價值路徑發現「步道特性」與「景觀」對於健行者與登山者都很重要,因此推廣方面可統一各步道分級方式供民眾方便參考,而維護景觀環境的理念須從民眾教育著手,而非只針對登山客進行宣導。


The purpose of this study is to explore cognitive processes of hikers’ and mountaineers’ value through Mean- End chain theory. And understanding the walkers and mountaineers were engaged the immediate benefits of activities, and the attributes they paid attention. To establishment relations of activity attributes - results - value to promote hiking and mountaineering activities as a basis. In this study, we invited the participants to assess our telephone interview after 1-2 weeks. In the study, also possesses the main peak in Yangmingshan National Park hiking routes as those of the study sites, and climber was Shei-Pa National Park, mountain climbing mouth as a research site. At the study site, we asked participants to fill out the questionnaire about basic information and participation behavior. Both the respondents of walkers and mountaineers were 40. The results walkers and climbers the same property as the "trail features" and "social activities", walkers plus "natural scenery", "fresh air", "physical activity" and "accessibility" and so on, climbing who is the "special scene", "beautiful scenery", "weather", etc.. In the results category, the same category of "sports and fitness", "positive emotions", "coping", "support the relationship", "Challenge training" 5, walkers also includes a "learning experience", climbing who have "access to success", "respect nature" and "risk perception", etc.. Value part of the same category as "Health", "good life", "self", "social support" five, other walkers also include "self-growth", the climber was "precious memories" and "Environmental Ethics." In the finding of the value of the path, walkers and mountaineers both mentioned "trail features" - "sports fitness" - "health" and "social activities" - "support relationship" - "social support", which means that two groups of participants may receive health and social support. To comparing the relationship between the number of times mentioned, it was found hiking paid more attention to "good life" and "Health" and " self-actualization "; mountaineer is the " self-actualization ", "environmental ethics" and "health."




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