  • 學位論文


A Service Composition Engine for Mobile Devices

指導教授 : 李允中


近年來,在許多的應用領用中基於服務導向架構(SOA)來發展行動應用程式已成為一種勢不可擋的趨勢。例如遠程信息處理、或智慧家庭。與此同時,擁有行動裝置的使用者持續性的大幅度成長且已佔有極大的比例。而行動裝置數量高速增長創造了大量的運算及通訊資源使得工作流程可以加以應用。雖然有些注意力已放在發展組合服務上,但在行動載具上呼叫服務或組合服務仍未被高度研究。行動載具上組合並執行服務的挑戰主要可被分為兩個部分,其中一個是如何重構現今厚重且需要消耗高資源的服務組合引擎使之能在一個資源相對貧乏的行動裝置上執行服務流程?另一個則是如何在考量到安全性議題的同時呼叫且組合異質性的服務。異質性的服務包含各式各樣的通訊協定像是簡單物件存取協定(SOAP)、具象狀態傳輸(REST)、安卓意圖(Android Intent)以及各種不同的內容格式舉例來說有可延伸標記式語言(XML)、JavaScript物件標記法(JSON)或明文(Plain Text)等。安全性的議題包含確保資料不被惡意第三方調換的數位簽證和服務資源的授權與保障的開放授權架構(OAuth Framework)。 在本研究裡,我們提出了一個輕量化異質性服務組合引擎,其中包含三個主要的特色:首先,是兩個方面的改進以消除在資源相對貧乏的裝置上執行服務流程的障礙以及保持同樣程度的使用者體驗在行動載具上。其次是一個彈性的方法使得未來可以在不修改主要核心架構的前提底下,新增新發展的適配器以呼叫不同的服務。最後是兩個變形的方法,用以提供將事件服務以及資料服務轉型到安卓意圖(Android Intent)的服務。


Recently there is a trend on developing mobile applications based on service-oriented architecture (SOA) in numerous application domains, such as telematics and smart home. The mobile device users increase dramatically and have high penetration nowadays. That creates a vast computational and communication resource for workflow to utilize. Although efforts have been made on developing composite services, little emphasis has been put on invoking and composing services on mobile devices. Main challenges are two-fold: one is how to refactor the heavy service composition engine to be able to execute service workflows on a resource-poor mobile device; and the other is how to invoke and compose heterogeneous services with various protocols and content types, such as SOAP, RESTful, and Intent services, in the case of considering the security issues. In this work, we propose a lightweight heterogenous service composition engine with three key features: two aspects of improvement for eliminating the barrier of executing workflows on resource-poor devices and approximating the user experience on mobile devices to using other service composition engine on servers; a flexible mechanism for adding newly developed adapters for invoking some other kinds of services without modifying the core BPEL engine; and two transformation mechanisms designed to enable the transformation of event services and data services into Intent services.


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