  • 學位論文


A Study on the Shelter Services of Human Trafficking Victims in Taiwan: An Interpretation of Empowerment

指導教授 : 古允文


人口販運是現代奴役制度,隨著全球化潮流興盛擴展成為國際性議題。臺灣近年來由於多元化的入台管道逐漸開放,加上臺灣經濟發展以及兩岸與東南亞國家之間政治、民間的交流等因素,創造出吸引外籍人士來台賺錢的誘因,成為仲介及人口販子有心利用的犯罪管道。為了防止人口販運問題的持續擴大,臺灣自2006年開始進行各項相關措施,從行動計劃到人口販運防制法,在短短3年間建立起臺灣防制人口販運工作模式。研究者自2006年初始投入人口販運被害人保護服務工作中,一路陪伴販運被害人經歷制度建置的過程,更深切地感受到販運被害人安置保護服務在防制工作上的角色與重要性。因此透過本研究深入探討現階段人口販運被害人安置保護服務的服務概況及運作模式。 本研究以需求理論及增權理論觀點,透過實務工作者及被害人的角度,探究現階段的安置保護服務內涵及運作狀況,瞭解服務與被害人需求間的適切性。運用質性研究方法之半結構式深度訪談法進行資料蒐集。研究場域為內政部入出國及移民署所設東區人口販運被害人庇護所,受訪者包含庇護所工作者、受安置個案及網絡工作者。 本研究結果發現,在人口販運被害人庇護所的功能與角色定位上,官方與民間團體各持不同想法,官方立場上很明確的定位在因應法規上的要求而為,也因仍無法完全擺脫被害人為犯罪者的迷思,而對庇護所的管理角色與掌控被害人的程度有較高的期待。民間團體則重視深化服務專業性,強化服務深度與廣度,秉持低度管理的理念,運用各項服務措施發展出對於被害人更具有服務效益、更滿足需求的服務內容。 再者,本研究分析現階段安置保護服務需求模式中發現,官方雖能滿足規範性需求層面,但仍須澄清被害人非犯罪者的迷思。庇護所實務運作上,以個案增權為核心理念,由規範性需求出發並在實務操作面上以被害人表達性需求滿足及增權為目標,藉以在服務過程中給予被害人增權的機會與能力。在個案增權理念運作下,被害人在安置過程中表達能感受到平等、尊重與自由,嘗試重新建立對人的信任感並掌控自我選擇權,透過增權學習為自己爭取應有的權利及協商的空間。 因此本研究建議,在防制工作網絡與制度層面上,公私部門應建立平等夥伴關係、進行專責專業人員的培訓工作。在安置保護服務層面上,服務資源應保持多元化與彈性、提供被害人安置於庇護所外的選擇、以及安置保護服務應具有增權理念。


Human trafficking, the modern-day slavery, has become an international issue in today’s highly globalized world. Following with opening door to foreigners, Taiwan’s high economic development and ever closer formal and informal interactions with China and Southeast Asia serve as a pull factor for foreigners to come to earn livings. The pursuit of a better life, however, is manipulated by traffickers and brokers who gain extravagant profits from the inhumane crime. The government of Taiwan initiated combating human-trafficking measures in 2006 to curtail the prevalence of the crime. From the implementation of the National Action Plan to the enactment of the Anti-Trafficking Control and Prevention Act, Taiwan has built up its anti-trafficking module and networks within 3 years only. Having been devoted to trafficking victims’ protection since 2006 and witnessing the change, the researcher found the significance of victims’ protection in the 3P paradigm- prevention, prosecution, protection. This study presents an in-depth research on the current trafficking victims’ protection and victims’ services in Taiwan. Based on the theory of needs and the empowerment approach, this study focuses on the victims’ protection system from the perspectives of practitioners and victims, assessing the current system with victims’ needs. Research data are collected through semi-structured interviews. The researcher conducted field works at the National Immigration Agency’s East Coast Shelter for Trafficking Victims, and the interviewees included shelter staff, trafficking victims in the shelter, and practitioners in the victims’ protection system. This study finds that the government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have different points of view on the shelter’s function and role. To the government, the shelter is established in response to laws. The myth among the law enforcement that trafficking victims are equal to criminals leads to the expectation on the shelter’s managing and monitoring roles. With the belief that permissive management works better for victims, NGOs, on the other hand, emphasize on professional direct services and strive to deepen and broaden services. NGOs well integrate resources to develop service programs that can benefit the victims and meet their needs. Analyzing the current victims’ protection system, this study finds that the current system satisfies the law, but the government should decriminalize trafficking victims. In practice, with ‘victim empowerment’ as its core belief, the shelter gives trafficking victims the ability and opportunity to be empowered through its services. In spite of the fact that victims’ normative needs have almost been satisfied, the shelter moves beyond to meet their expressive needs. According to the empowerment approach, victims should feel being equal, respected, and free during their stay in the shelter. Such experiences will empower them to fight for their own rights and expand the room for negotiation, as well as be helpful for them to rebuild trust in people and regain a sense of self-determination. This study is concluded with several suggestions. To combat and prevent human trafficking, the government should maintain an equal partnership with NGOs, and trainings for practitioners and professionals should be offered. As to victims’ protection, services and resources for trafficking victims should be diverse and flexible; empowerment should take place in the shelter through professional direct services; trafficking victims should be provided with different types of housing options.


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